Bedroom Secret

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*Wanda created chatroom*

*Wanda added Rosella, Bucky, Sam, Loki*

Wanda: Hello friends. And Loki.

Loki: Offended.

Rosella: Hey Wands!

Bucky: Hey Rose!

Rosella: Hi Bucky!

Sam: I see you two are close.

Wanda: Which is exactly why I made this chatroom. As we all know our dear friends Rose and Alpine have been staying with us for the past month and a half.

Sam: Speaking of which why ARE you staying here?

Rosella: Water leak at my house.

Sam: Interesting.

Wanda: Anyways, I was checking the security footage when I noticed something strange outside Bucky's room.

Loki: Why are you looking at security footage?

Bucky: Why are you watching by bedroom door?

Wanda: For evidence!

Sam: Creep. Can we hurry this up.

Rosella: So what did you find?

Wanda: You.

Rosella: I beg your pardon.

Wanda: At 3 a.m yesterday you came out of Bucky's bedroom!

Sam: Suddenly I'm in no rush to leave.

Loki: She did what?!

Rosella: I did what?!

Bucky: We did what?!

Wanda: Every night since you've been here you and your little cat have been in and out of Bucky's bedroom.

Sam: You make the cat watch?!

Bucky: I swear its not what it looks like.

Loki: For your sake it better not be.

Rosella: Look, I can explain. 

Sam: I'm telling everyone!

Bucky: Me and Rose aren't screwing!

Wanda: DENILE!

Sam: I expected so much more from you Rose.

Rosella: Bucky just likes to spend time with Alpine.

Loki: Until 3 a.m?!

Bucky: We loose track of time!

Wanda: Getting lost in the moment I suppose.

Rosella: Nothing we say is going to make you believe us huh?

Loki: Rose, I just want you to know I believe you.

Bucky: Well isn't that sweet.

Loki: Except for you. I definitely don't believe you.

Wanda: There's only one person we can go too.

Wanda: Someone who saw the whole thing...

Bucky: You don't mean...

*Wanda added Alpine*

Sam: You got your cat a phone!!

Rosella: Obviously.

Wanda: Hello Alpine.

Alpine: ghgsik sajksgh

Bucky: Um, translation?

Rosella: She said, "Hello peasants. How may I grace you with my glory today?"

Loki: Hello to you too Alpine.

Alpine: rgkjsg

Rosella: She said hi.

Wanda: Alpine, are Rose and Bucky together?

Loki: Answer truthfully, this is a life or death situation.

Bucky: For who?

Loki: For you.

Alpine: gksgkg ghshgjk gskj

Rosella: Oh goodness...

Sam: What did she say?

Alpine: ffhsh hujghjr ruo oewhhge oehgo

Rosella: Watch your language young lady!

Wanda: Well?

Rosella: To sum it all up she said no.

Alpine: gujghwgik eighgik egi

Rosella: Ok that's it.

*Rosella removed Alpine*

Sam: guys are together?

Bucky: What part of N.O do you all not understand!?

Rosella: Me and Bucky can't be together.

Wanda: Why not?!

Rosella: Because I already have a boyfriend!

Loki: You have a....what?

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