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*Thor created chatroom*

*Thor added, Rosella, Bucky, Natasha, Tony*

Thor: There is a thief among us!

Tony: Thor will you calm down.

Bucky: Wait, is Rose in this chat?

Rosella: I'm as surprised as you are.

Thor: A thief is a disgusting bastard are they not? I would think Rose is an expert in that department.

Natasha: Ouch.

Rosella: You know what they say, we should respect each others opinion.

Tony: How are you this good!?

Bucky: Back on topic. Thor, why are you saying there's a thief.

Thor: My snackies, there gone!

Natasha: All of them?

Thor: The fruit, the crackers, the cheese, the little surgery things in the plastic bags...All. GONE!

Tony: Maybe you, oh I don't know...ate them?

Thor: How dare you!

Rosella: I'll help you look for them.

Thor: How would you do that exactly? You've never stepped foot in the compound. I don't even know what you look like.

Thor: Which is a blessing I reflect on each day you little witch.

Bucky: Maybe you just misplaced it or something.

Thor: Maybe...

Tony: Who did it!?

Natasha: Not you too.

Rosella: What's wrong Tony?

Tony: My alcohol cabinets. There empty!

Thor: You too have become a victim!

Bucky: Will you two relax? How do we know this isn't some sort of prank?

Tony: Um, Bucky?

Bucky: What?

Tony: Did you just walk past me?

Bucky: I think so. Why, whats wrong?

Tony:...Your missing an arm.

Rosella: His WHAT?!

Bucky: How did I not feel that?!

Natasha: How did you not HEAR it?! Its a chunk of metal crashing onto the floor!

*Bucky has logged off*

Thor: Why did Barnes leave?

Natasha: He didn't, his phone broke.

Tony: Did he throw it across the room or something?

Natasha: No, he was running trying to find his arm but his balance was uneven and he fell down the stairs.

Tony: HA!

Natasha: I have to say this is hilarious.

Rosella: Don't taunt him Nat.

Thor: What was that loud shrieking sound?


Tony: Well that was a switch.

Natasha: Someone kidnapped Louise!

Rosella: Who?

Natasha: Louise! One of my favorite guns! Someone took her from me!

Thor: Who's laughing now.

Rosella: You think someone broke in?

Natasha: Of course someone broke in!

Tony: Hold on, I hear noises coming from the kitchen.

Thor: There trying to steal more snacks!

Natasha: Not on my watch!

Thor: What do you see?

Natasha: I see the back of its head. Its a female.

Thor: It?

Natasha: You read correct.

Natasha: I'm going to throw my shoe at it.

Tony: Why a shoe?

Natasha: Don't question my methods!

Tony: Fine, jeez.

Natasha: Ohhhhh shit.

Thor: Did you miss?

Natasha: Worse.

Rosella: Someone just threw a rock at my head!

Tony: I though you said shoe!

Natasha: I changed my mind!

Rosella: That was you?!

Natasha: The thief is you!?

Thor: I knew it!

Natasha: She's ...taller then I thought you would be...

Tony: Why would you steal from us? It's not a very good first impression.

Rosella: It was Loki's idea. He said it would be a funny paint.

Tony: What?

Rosella: I meant prank. You hit be pretty hard Nat.

Natasha: It wasn't that hard.

Rosella: !taN egamad niarb suoiers em nevig evah dluoc uoY

Thor: What in Odin's beard...

Natasha: On second thought....I should get you to the hospital...

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