Chapter 2- the accident

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Warnings: mentions of rape and abuse                                                                                                                                             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

When  Leo was born  he had tan skin  and curly black hair like his mother but he was smaller and underweight and had elf like ears ,but to his mother he was perfect in every way.

As he grew older Esperanza found out he was fire proof when he accidentally startled while she was working in a machine shop that she worked in, and while she happens to be using a blow touch, so she spun around the blow touch still on and in her hand spraying the young 4 year old with fire, she was afraid but when she realized that the fire didn't hurt him a moment of peace settle in her but that quickly vanished when she realized what that meant, that her son was a lot more like his father despite that  he looked like his mother .

As he  grew up Leo found out that he could control fire  and his mother told him "fire is a tool not a toy , remember that my little Leo, one day you will use this power to help not hurt" those words stuck with him for all his life.

When Leo turned eight his mother said to him "now that you are old enough you can help me in the shop" the little boy smiled brightly and a bit of his hair cough on fire which made his mother laugh  as she put out the small flame 

One night Leo and Esperanza where working late in the shop  "Leo mijo you look tired let's go home"  " I'm fine mama" Leo said with a yawn " we'er so close to being finished just a little longer"

Esperanza chuckled at her son's  determination at finishing but it was almost 10:00 at night and he had school the next day  " we can finish tomorrow mijo I promise"Leo thought for a second weighing the pro's and con's " if we leave now can we cuddle when we get home?" the young boy asked "of course mijo now let's go home"

the two left the large room where Esperanza worked  but before they could leave the building she patted her pockets "shit I left my keys, I be right back mijo don't leave" "ok mama" she that ran back into the room. Then the door shut behind her without her closing it as Leo went to investigate he heard it lock "MAMA" he called out but it was no use 

as Leo looked around the dark room on the third floor he noticed someone "hello can you help me open the door?" he asked unknowingly,when he saw her she had on a green flowing dress with piercing green eyes and skin the color of fresh mulch. The woman just looks at him with her piercing green eyes and says "you are something special Leonidas Valdez  and will help me in the future and the past, but first I will need to.... get you on the right path" 

Leo was confused by that and asked "what do you mean by 'get me on the right path'?" "well my dear Leonidas .... you will help me in the future help me rise again  but first I need you to be... discharged to want something.... or some one ." 

Leo was now getting anxious but the strange woman countuned " Like per-say your mother" Leo only understood one thing and that was that she was going to hurt his  mother and he couldn't allow that.Anger rouse in the young boy  and his hands cough on fire  he ran at this woman but when he was about to reach her  she disappear and he ran into a panting on the wall, it than fell on to the wood floor and a fir started around him.

fear griped him and he ran to the door and could hear tapping in mores code  from the other side " Leo are you ok? what happend? why is the door locked?" Leo frantically tapped back "I don't know why the door is locked-" but he got cut off from his tapping by the smoke which made him cough, he remembered what the thought him in school about fires so he layed down on the ground  close the the door but it was no use to stop the fire from spreading to the other rooms and to the work shop. Soon he heard sirens but by this time the fire was uncontrollable, but  what turned his focus from the sirens was his mothers scream and frantic tapping "help me save my son"   tears weld in his eyes he had don this it was his fault 

Evataly he could hear the fire fighters get to room he was in and  break down the door and standing their was a  brunet man in fire fighter gear standing their he looked at Leo and Leo looked back he then picked him  Leo cried out trying to get back to the door that is when another scream came from behind the door it was of pure pain as she got burnt alive

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  Leo waited in the police station still sobbing when a woman  walks in  a woman who happens to be his aunt Rosa and when she saw the young boy crying "You" she yelled with malice dripping from her voice "you fuego del diablo! you killed my sister  this is your fault you fuego del diablo I told my sister when you where a diablo but she didn't believe me!" she yelled and nobody stood up for the young boy " and they asked me to take you in" she scoffed " remder this..." she took a few steps closer so the was only inches away from his face " That she is dead and it is your fault." she took some steps back  before saying " I hope they put you in the worst foster homes" and with that she left 

And her wish did come true. He went to abusive foster homes and was just used for money or some time just used for sex by the time he had been in foster care for 7 years his body was littered with scars from  being wiped,hit by varies objects,and being tossed around the like a rag doll, he also had many bones that didn't heal right and was abnormally skinny and small. By this time he was sent to some one in New York City he was worried. 



Sorry for if there are any spelling  mistakes 

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