entry no. 4

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moving on is a virtue and a vice. while i'm glad that i no longer have to live up to your expectations of who you thought i was, i also mourn your absence. you've moved on. it took you two days. two days to go to your friends college and have temporary relief from the imprint i left on your life. burying all of the emotions i laid into you into another girl who doesn't care for your existence. i shouldn't speak though. i've moved on as well, just the difference between the two of us is that i moved on to somebody who is great. you moved on to someone you used to get over me. our situations will never be the same, and i doubt we will ever cross paths again. i wish that i could erase you from my brain completely. forget who i was when i was with you. forget how i felt when i was with you. forget how much i loved you, even though i claimed that i did not to my friends.

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