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Diana's POV:

"Anna! Anna!" My best friend, Kate, yelled loudly as she rushed through the front door, "Look at this!" She excitedly waved concert tickets in my face, making it blurry for me to read.

"Hold them still!" I say, irritated as I examined the concert tickets, "Dominic Fike?" I looked at Kate with a blank and confused expression. The excitement fades out of her face.

"You don't know who that is?" She asked bewildered, "My god Anna you aren't living!" She plummeted next to me on the sofa and shouted, "Alexa! Play 3 nights by Dominic Fike!"  The Alexa started to play an unfamiliar tune. Kate noticed the look on my face.

"Oh come on you don't recognise it? This is probably his most popular song," she said, rolling her eyes, "Well you're going with me anyway. I have dreamt of this moment!"

I let out a small laugh, "This song isn't even that good, but for the sake of leaving the house and being social, I will come with you."

"You didn't have much of a choice," Kate elbows me gently, "We should go buy outfits!"

"It is in 4 months..." I say confused.

"So? It's a concert we need to look cute!" She squeals as she skips out the door. I sigh and shake my head as I follow her slowly, picking up my keys on the way out.


We make it to the shopping centre and see tons of pretty shops we can go to. I walk towards a flower shop but Kate pulls me back.

"We aren't wearing flowers," she says, "If you want to look nice, you have to be fancy."

She looks over to Chanel and Gucci, then back at me for my approval. I roll my eyes and reluctantly nod, she doesn't hesitate to strut over to Gucci.

When we are inside, she picks out a tiny black dress and shows it to me.

"We aren't going clubbing," I say as I roll my eyes and look at the sunglasses.

I watch as she picks out things and waits for my approval. The whole 10 minutes in Gucci consists of a lot of shaking my head, but she eventually gives in to my request and we go to H&M.

I pick out a cute ankle lenth skirt and a olive green top.

We were in Bali after all

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We were in Bali after all.

Kate picked out a cute and colourful top with a silk white skirt.

'We look so cute! I can't wait to see all the fans at this concert!' Kate said in the changing rooms

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'We look so cute! I can't wait to see all the fans at this concert!' Kate said in the changing rooms.

Her excited expression made me smile, I laughed and added onto what she said.

'Maybe even Dominic will notice you,' I say to her with a warm smile.

'He would never date a fan.'

I realise she's right. I don't say anything else about the concert, not wanting to cause an argument.

'Where to? Home? Or did you wanna look at another shop?' I ask kindly as we walk out of the changing rooms and to the checkout.

'Home. I'm not looking for anything else,' Kate says as we pay.

We get in the car and head home.

Bodies - Dominic FikeWhere stories live. Discover now