2- Don't Go Back

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I don't think I can stress this enough this is the biggest thing that you will need to work through. There will be a time when your ex will come back to you and will want you back in their life and you're going to end up thinking that they have changed and you can go back and be happy again.


They have not changed at all I can promise you that. By going back, you are only causing yourself more pain. I've known people who were working through getting over a breakup and ended up going back to their exes and ended up being more heartbroken than the first time. You are only making it harder for yourself. The fights will get longer, you'll want more answers, and it'll feel extremely different between you two so why make yourself have to experience more pain when you can work on bettering yourself?

I know how tough it can be to start over and build your happiness over again. You have known your ex for so long, you feel like they had even grown to be a part of you. You read them like the back of your hand and they do the same for you and to start over and forget about someone who you held so dear to your heart can be extremely challenging.

In the end you have to ask yourself:
Is it worth the pain?

The answer is no it is not. You deserve better. You deserve to feel happy and content with yourself and if someone doesn't see your worth, then there's no point in pushing them.
You need to leave before it becomes a codependent relationship and you are manipulated and hurt.

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