After hearing her mother's words, Freen wept harder and gave her mother a hug.

Freen: Why did this happen to us, mother? I lost a piece of myself when I lost her because I loved her so much. Nor could her God protect her.

Freen pointed to the human God as he said, "Looking up in the sky."'''

Freen: You describe yourself as the creator, but why did you take her away? She gave you her life, prayed to you constantly, and helped those in need. WHY YOU TOOK HER AWAY............

Suddenly, a shaft of light appears, and a voice reverberates throughout, drawing Freen's attention as well as that of the entire group, which includes witches, werewolves, and vampires.

The Unknown Voice: We are witnessing you go through so much suffering, which has caused us to feel pain as well. My child, I am sent here by the universe's creator. Mon was, in fact, a child of God. I've come to perform the prophecy regarding your true love, "Mon." One hundred years will pass until she is reborn. She will resemble Mon exactly—she is literally Mon, but she won't remember you because Mon was her former life and that is her current one. Love is such a pure emotion that it has the power to turn even monsters into angels. However, you must defend her this time around since she could be in danger and that beast "Klaus" could kill her once more. He loves Mon too, therefore he will come back for her. Once he realizes this, he will haunt you both. You will sense Mon's energy through your love and emotion when she is born. You will eventually learn of her whereabouts. Every day, she will see visions from her past lives. You two will eventually come into contact with one another. My child, I'm not able to tell you more. Give her every protection you can.

Freen had very little hope, but she would have to wait a hundred years. She made a self-promise to herself that she would not let her go this time. Her entire family as well as other werewolf, vampire, and witch members listened to the prophecy made by an angel.

After a few moments , a guy came running in the mansion, he was the only brother of 'Klaus'  "Elijah". Everyone in the mansion standing there hold him up as they thought he must be also same like his brother. When freen saw him, he couldn't control her anger and dashed towards him , holding his neck. Freen asked him ......

Freen: What the hell are you doing here? are you here to laugh on me for loosing my Mon? After what your brother did , i will never ever forgive him . Tell me the fuck where the hell is he hiding? Tell me Elijah?? 

Freen choked Elijah more harder . He tried to escape from her hand, but no use. He said....

Elijah: I..... aa....mmm.... so...rr.....yyyy fre......nnnnn , ple......a...ssse.....eeee le........liss.....tttt...eee...nnnn meee...eee (he tried to say those eight words hardly)

Freen loosed her grip , making him fall down.... (Elijah was breathing heavily.....)

Freen: What the hell you want to talk about?? Say ?

Elijah: Freen, I am aware that my brother did not act morally. I'm embarrassed to even refer to him as my brother. I tried to inform you about his plans even though I know he despises you a lot, but he was always with you and Mon when I was ready to meet you. But I never thought he would murder Mon. I sincerely apologize for your loss, Freen. However, as you can see, I have no idea where he is at this moment. He left this place as soon as he killed Mon. I came to inform you of his scheme, but it was already too late. I'll do whatever it takes to make up for what I did. (Elijah sobs as he begs for forgiveness, knowing that freen belongs to the Original family, and the Originals are obeyed by everybody.

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