Getting to know each other

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Night Time with Emilia

Emilia was sitting on her bed alone with Puck floating next to her, as she lays down with her face in the pillows.

Emilia: This is so hard.

Puck: Good work today, Lia. It must be really hard being the class rep for a class filled with all those strange creatures.

Emilia: Yeah, it's really hard.

Puck: You seemed kind of happy though.

Emilia: Well, everybody here is really unique right?

Puck: I'm not sure "Unique" is the best word for it, but yes.

Emilia: Nobody calls me the "Silver haired half elf" here. I don't know what kind of world this is or how we got here. I think Roswaal might know something, but I want to do what I can here.

Puck: Yeah!

Emilia: It might be really hard. No, I bet it is really hard, but I decided to do my best.

Puck: If that's your choice, I'll back you up with all I got!

Emilia: Thank you, Puck! And...I've never been to school, so this is will be tons of fun!

Next Day

Subaru, Rem, Beatrice and zero were on their way to school, as Rem spoke up.

Rem: Subaru, how was it taking care of the animals?

Subaru: Pretty crazy.

Rem: Crazy?

Subaru: Yeah.


It was the first day of the clubs an Subaru was standing with Hamsuke in a large cage.

Subaru: This is a little bigger than the djungarian hamster I'm used to.

Hamsuke: You know of my species?

Subaru: Yeah, but the ones I know are a little and by a little, I mean a lot different.

Hamsuke seemed to be upset at this, as he spoke up.

Hamsuke: My Lord said that same thing.

Then the hamster starts chewing on Subaru's head.

Subaru: I can't hear you, could you stop chewing on my head.

Aura: Hey, Hamsuke!

Hamsuke: I let my instincts take over and chewed on him!

Aura: Sorry Subaru! You're covered in blood!

Subaru was now covered with blood on his head.

Subaru: For some reason, he chews me and ignores everyone else.

Aura: You know better than that!

Hamsuke: For some reason, when I see Subaru, I get really excited.

Subaru: You were excited?! Is chewing on my head some kind of animal communication ritual?

Hamsuke: I feel really bad about it.

Hamsuke keeps chewing on Subaru's head, as Zero and Emiya notices it.

Emiya: Subaru hold on im coming to help you!

Zero: *takes a picture of it* Dont help him.

Emiya rushed in to pull Hamsuke out of Subaru's head and both (Y/n)s sees Subaru's head was covered in blood.

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