1) Two lives, One wish

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The CEO's office resounded with the harsh decree: "You're fired!"

I clenched my eyes shut, holding back tears, overwhelmed by a mix of shame and guilt.

Around me, I could feel the weight of judgmental stares and whispered conversations.

"Sir, I'm deeply sorry..." I began, my voice faltering.

But the CEO cut me off sharply, his words laced with anger. "No more excuses, Ms. Shin Y/N. This is the third strike."

"I understand, but..." I tried to explain, but he wouldn't listen.

"No more words. You're out, end of discussion," he declared, turning away, leaving me feeling defeated.

"Also, hand over all your degree files."

His demand hit me like a blow. I turned back, my throat tightening.

"But, sir, I need those for future job prospects. Please, reconsider," I pleaded.

His tone remained unwavering. "I have the authority, Ms. Shin Y/N. You can either surrender them willingly or face the consequences," he stated firmly, leaving no room for negotiation.

"Okay sir." I replied defeated.

Dabbing at the tears cascading down my cheeks, I hurriedly left his office.

Stepping out of the building, disbelief gripped me as I grappled with the reality of being fired from a company I had dedicated years to, despite the meagre pay.

I made my way to a nearby café, seeking solace in the familiarity of its surroundings. As I approached an empty table, the craving for a comforting cup of coffee washed over me, only to be met with the harsh reality of my financial situation-I couldn't afford it.

With a resigned sigh, I lowered my head onto the smooth surface of the wooden table. Tears continued to flow as I grappled with the uncertainty of what lay ahead.

"Y/N," a familiar voice called out to me as gentle hands rested on my shoulders, but I chose to ignore him, knowing I'd become too vulnerable if I let him in.

"Y/N, please stop ignoring me. I know you're crying," he insisted, but I remained sprawled across the table, avoiding his gaze.

I felt a soft touch on my chin, attempting to coax me to look up. I weakly resisted, but his grip was firm, and I couldn't escape.

"I knew you were crying-"

Before he could finish, I found myself enveloped in his embrace, his words fading away as he held me close, allowing my tears to flow freely.

"Jimin, what do I do now?" I sobbed into his shoulder, seeking solace in his arms as he gently rubbed my back.

"Shhh, it's okay, Y/N. Everything will be okay," he reassured me as I continued to break down in his arms.

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