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"Why does everything thing I do have to eventually be about you Nicole! Why couldn't I just have this one moment in my career to be proud of?"

"It's not my fault Brianna!" I yelled, as we exited the WWE headquarters.

Brie and I had just left the meeting regarding Summerslam. I did indeed have to defend Brie's title against crazy bitch.

"You had to fight AJ. You had to call her those names to make her pissed. Nicole I'm getting sick and tired of your bullshit. I love you but I don't know if I can keep letting you walk over me like this."

"I'm not walking over you Brianna. I'm fucking sticking by your side as you be such a fucking dumbass! This is your fault actually! You're the one who decided you wanted to be miss big and bad and agreed to face AJ. So excuse me for defending my twin sister. Honestly Brie, fuck you." I stormed away.


I watched in delight as Brie started to cry, covering her face and sinking to the ground.

I was so close to getting my baby back I just needed to keep pushing. I ran to my car, following Nikki's expensive one. I decided last night that I was going to play nice for the time being.

I watched from my car as Nikki pulled her car to a stop, getting out and going into a café.

Nikki sat down at a small table that was meant for two people. She would occasionally lick her pink lips, covering her face, sighing.

A tall man, with black, messy hair came up Nikki, smiling while pulling out a little white notepad.

"Hey Robbie," Nikki sighed for the millionth time, tucking strands of her hair behind her ear. "The usual please."

"Coming right up." The guy walked away.

I sighed, walking inside and sitting across from Nikki.

"Nikki?" I gasped.

"Are you stalking me?" Nikki jumped, glaring at me.

"No I'm not, trust me. I got called into a meeting at the WWE Headquarters about Summerslam. I wanted to say sorry for the fight we had at Smackdown tapings. It was very childish of me."

"Damn right it was. My sister can't defend her own title because of you. Look I get you want your title back and all but do you really have to all of this? You got your match so leave me alone until Summerslam."

"That's the problem Nicole. I want to nice and hopefully become friends with you."

"Friends?" Nikki laughed. "You're joking right?"

"What's so funny? I just simply said I wanted to be friends."

I clenched my fists underneath the table. Nikki was making it really hard for me to win this bet.

"You are so bipolar," Nikki shook her head. "Why don't you just order your coffee and leave me the hell alone."

"Is this really how you want to go Nicole? Being my enemy?"

"I don't like you AJ. You're manipulative and I don't think I can ever hang around, you let alone trust you. I'm a Bella twin, the Bella Twins don't hang around people like you."

"What do you mean people like me? Lesbians?"

"That's not what I meant oh my gosh!" Nikki scoffed.

"You've had a problem with me ever since I came out to the public. We were actually civil-"

"I'm not arguing with you AJ, not in this place. So why don't you just leave me alone? I'll listen to you at work."

"Please just give me a chance? I need a friend and you seem cool I guess."

Lust and Love {aj lee & nikki bella}Where stories live. Discover now