Chapter 1: For Your Eyes Only

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"Can you feel it? The air is practically crackling with energy and anticipation," I say, leaning over to my boyfriend, Jesse. Conversations buzz around us at a low hum, while people shuffle to get into their seats and faculty does their last-minute preparations. I grip the pages of my Valedictorian speech in one hand.

Jesse flashes his signature grin, complete with double dimples, and intertwines his fingers in mine. "I've been waiting four years for this, Charlie. I can't wait to finally graduate and be done with this place."

"You're complaining about Apex Academy?" I lean away from him and raise both brows. "Would you rather be in normal high school with normal kids learning normal stuff?" I wrinkle my nose. "Not me. I'm glad I'm here. How many kids get to say they went to spy school?"

Jesse chuckles and tugs me closer and starts to run his hand through his thick brown hair, but when his fingers hit the edge of his navy graduation cap, he stops and sighs. "None. That's the problem. Even we can't say we've been here. What good is learning espionage, picking locks, and high-speed chases if you can't talk about it? Even after doing running start and getting my AA in college, I still have to get my bachelors before the government will consider me for the FBI or CIA."

"Only two more years." I lean my head on his shoulder and look up into his deep brown eyes. "Do ya think we'd be lucky enough to be in the same agency, working on the same team?"

"Anything's possible, I guess." He leans down and plants a kiss on my nose. "We'll find a way. We always do."

I nod and swipe a chunk of straight brown hair out of my brown eyes.

Everything about me is plain. Of course, our Makeup and Disguise class was designed to make each of us as nondescript as possible. The more "plain" we look, the easier we are to blend into a crowd. If any of us had a weird mole, wonky scars, tattoos, extra piercings, or anything else that would make us memorable, the Academy either had it surgically removed, or taught us how to disguise it. Then, we spent several weeks changing our appearances for both evasions and up-close correspondences.

Feedback from the microphone screeches through the speakers, and everyone cringes and groans. Headmaster Winters taps on the mouthpiece then leans forward and says in a chipper voice that reminds me of the chick from Legally Blonde, "We'll be starting in five minutes."

I glance over my shoulder to where my parents are seated in the auditorium. Mom and Dad are both in uniform. Mom in her dress blues and Dad in his dress greens. You can tell who are the parent and who are extended family. Parents are all in uniform. I lock eyes with my parents. They grin and wave. I totally lucked out to have them both here for graduation.

I know both parents have to be deployed for a kid to qualify for Apex Academy, or one parent must die in combat. I also know parents get special privileges in the military by having their kids in the leadership and covert operations program. Does that also mean they get time off to be at our graduation? I'm not sure.

I glance down at my Valedictorian speech and take a deep breath before turning to Jesse and giving him a quick kiss. "Wish me luck."

Jesse grins back at me, this time kissing me longer. "Luck has nothing to do with it, babe. You've got this."

"Thanks." I stand, smooth down my graduation gown, and stride up to the stage.

Before I get to my seat, Head Master Winters stops me and says, "I want to congratulate you for being Valedictorian. You've done amazing things at Apex. I've enjoyed watching you grow and progress, and I'm sorry to see you go." She puts a hand on my shoulder and squeezes before leaning in closer and murmuring in my ear. "You're going to go far in this line of work. I've put in a good word for you, and there are people out there who want to see you succeed."

"Um, thank you?" I say, raising my brows.

She smiles back at me. "Stay in touch." Then someone else calls her name and she walks away to address their problem.

My gaze follows her as she leaves. What was that all about? I mean, pretty cool...I think. But kind of cryptic too. I tuck that conversation into my 'things I'll unpack later' file and continue to my seat. The auditorium continues to buzz, the volume rising as more people settle into their seats.

Headmaster Winters stands at the podium, looking commanding in her black pinstripe pantsuit, patent leather stiletto heels, and sun-kissed blonde hair hanging in waves down her back. She clears her throat, then waits for the crowd to slowly calm to silence.

When it's quiet enough to hear a pin drop, she breaks out into a broad grin, and begins the graduation ceremony. Assistant Headmaster Riggs, a mountain of a man who teaches the Escape and Evade class, gives a speech, followed by my speech, and then finally, the procession of graduates.

When my name is called, I move into position to take my diploma, encased in a navy-colored diploma case from Assistant Headmaster Riggs. He holds out the case to me with one hand, and shakes my hand with the other. As we're shaking hands, he leans in and says, "In the case is something for your eyes only. Don't open it until you're alone."

We lock eyes and he gives me a pointed expression before leaning away, and pretending as if nothing unusual happened.

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