Chapter 1 - The Beginning -

Start from the beginning

As they talked about some business work, Amir felt more relaxed as they chatted. The warmth of the fire and the crackling of the wood in the fireplace only added to his comfort. He could smell the faint aroma of the wine, mixed with the scent of the burning wood. The conversation flowed smoothly, and Amir found himself enjoying the moment. 

"I'm glad we can talk like this again, Amir, even after so long," Elio said, breaking the silence. Amir sighed, feeling relieved. "Yes, it does feel nice to talk like this again," he said.

Elio handed Amir the official paperwork he needed to fill out, along with some small forms. Amir read them over with Elio's help, and he signed the last of the papers. Elio took the papers back to approve them, and Amir left the office an hour later, feeling grateful for the time he had spent with his boss. As he walked out of the room, he felt the warmth of the fire and the taste of the wine still lingering in his mouth, and he knew he would remember this moment for a long time.

The sun was rising up giving the sky a yellow hazy glow and some clouds flew up with the sun. meaning today was going to be a cloudy day. "Mr. Dellroy you have very good As the sun started to rise, the sky was tinted with a yellow hazy glow. A few clouds were floating up with the sun, indicating that it was going to be a cloudy day. Mr. Dellroy was complemented by the woman working beside him on his excellent taste, and he thanked her before perfecting his desk area. He walked to the break area, where he brewed his coffee with a bitter taste, a hint of caramel creamer, and oat milk, just for taste. He sat at the glass table, sipping the coffee slowly while enjoying the view outside. His mind wandered as he pondered his future, now that he had finally settled back into his office space. He felt calm and motivated, ready to face whatever challenges and opportunities lay ahead. Taste," the woman who worked beside him told him he has good taste in decorating Amir gave a quick thank you giving the last few touches to his desk area. He walked to the break area making and brewing his coffee to his taste bitter, with a hint of some caramel creamer and oat milk just for taste. He sat at the glass table drinking the last bit of coffee out of his mug, lost in thought about what his future would look like now that he finally settled back into the space of his office.

As Amir was drinking his coffee and still lost in thought. He was shocked by a strong minty frost smell that hit his nose. The smell smelled familiar like he smelled it before. Amir just couldn't put his finger on what that smell was. Amir put his black and white patterned mug down as he looked around the break room. Nothing was out of place

" Amir " That voice felt and sounded so familiar to him like he has heard it before. But it couldn't be. There was no way it was him Amir turned his head slowly to the left of his direction. And there it was what he hoped most was not true.

" Amir I'm talking to you"

" Oh yes hi Derek how has it been "

" So you do remember me Amir I was so worried you forgot about me on your stupid break do you know how much I missed you"

Amir felt his stomach almost close in on itself like he was feeling motion sickness while driving in a fast-speed car. Amir was snapped out of his thoughts and jumped up when he felt the warmth of Derek engulf his body. Derek's arms were wrapped by the slim waist of Amir squeezing him tight. Even though Derek knew that he hated hugs like this the most. Derek put his head into the crook of Amir's shoulder rubbing his body against the coldness of Amir's body.

Amir's body being sensitive he could not help but blush hard at the human touch of somebody. As if he was desperate and stuck in being touched, starved for Derek. Amir hated this feeling it made him feel pitbull because of the lack of socializing that he was used to all the time.

" Amir you smell like sweet honey drizzle as always what do you use "

" I don't really uhh...anything"

" Aw Amir don't be scared to speak to me "

Derek did a sly sneak-in on Amir suppressing his derek mouth close to Amir's earlobe. Creating blush all over Amir's face his ears beet red

"You still so sensitive it makes me happy to know I can make you feel this way, you crave my affection don't you ya little Bitch~"

Amir felt his heart speed race like the beat of pounding drums he pushed Derek away. Shyly trying to cover the blush of his face with his arm. He wanted to seem tough in front of Derek not make himself seem weak so Derek could not take advantage of him. But Amir's body always betrayed him

" The boss called me down so I have to go i hope me and you can have more fun together maybe..something more intimate that would be fun wouldn't it"

Amir watched with relief as he saw Derek sit up and give him a wink while walking out the sliding doors of the break room

Amir put his hand to the hard beating of his chest the blood pumping in his veins like Anderline was coursing through his whole body he decided to make a run for it out the buildings. His shift was already over and he felt that he stayed his welcome he would come back when his next shift started

He needed a break and some coffee he looked at his phone and searched for nearby coffee places to go to he found a close and cheap one that popped up on Google Maps and decided that would be the spot that he would go to,

Amir stepped out of the office building and took in a deep breath of the cool, windy air. He observed the bustling street full of people in a hurry, while cars honked and passed by. He remembered a nearby café where he had a great experience before. The owner was always courteous and respectful, so he decided to visit the place again. As he walked towards his black jeep, he felt the wind playfully ruffle his hair. Starting the engine, he drove off towards the café. When he arrived, he parked his car and made sure to grab his wallet and car keys before locking the door. Stepping inside the café, he was instantly enveloped in the warm, inviting aroma of coffee. He looked around and noticed that there were only a few patrons in the shop, which made him feel at ease. Amir disliked crowded places as they made him nervous. He could hear some classic jazz music playing softly in the background, which added to the café's ambiance. He glanced at his watch while waiting in line to place his order. However, before he could say anything to the cashier, he was startled by a gasp from The cashier.

Amir..I didn't expect to see you here friend~ Amir looked up to see two big velvet eyes looking back at him. The faint smell of lemon hitting his nose, The wavy blonde hair, and the same cross necklace he always wore around his neck.

" Romez I didn't expect to see you here at the shop"

" And neither did I expect to see you here friend but here we are yeah"

" How have you been Romez"

" I will be right there friend you go on ahead and have a seat at the booth right next to that window i will make us both some nice hot coffees the way you like it ah. I will call my coworker to take my place take a seat" 

Amir watched as Romez went to the back of the shop, the faint smell of lemon disappearing. Bringing him back to the smell of coffee. Amir strolled down to the back corner of the shop. A few customers were seated and happy, some alone and isolated to themselves, and some sad, mad, chill, bored. Amir always took an interest in observing those around him. Their different perspectives of the world before him.

Amir took his seat on the brown leather cushions and looked out the window watching the people walk. It amazed him how so many people in the world had so many different tastes, in wearing and thinking

" Sorry friend to keep you waiting my coworker held me up "

" It's fine Romez I can only imagine how business has been for you"

" You know..friend you are always understanding it feels like you are the only friend I can get that understands me"

"Happy I make you feel that way Romez shall we have a drink to our caffè"

" Yes friend let us drink to our caffè"

Amir and his friend who takes him a while back finally get back together. He and Romez always made a good duo but will they keep this same relationship forever?

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