Jasmine Villegas House & On Tour With Becky G & Jasmine V

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Jasmine Villegas: Beckyyy guess what?

Me (Beckyyy Villegas G.): Your going on tour. And you want me to come with you!

Jasmine Villegas: Yeah. I really want you to come with me on tour. I really really need you.

Rebbeca Gomez: I'm going on tour too.

Me (Beckyyy Villegas G.): I'm sorry Becky. I'm goin' on tour with Jasmine V.

Rebbeca Gomez: Beckyyy your coming with me on tour. Jasmine, Beckyyy already went with you on tour now it's my turn.

Me (Beckyyy Villegas G.): Becky why do you want me to go on tour with you? I already promised Jasmine.

Jasmine Villegas: Yeah Rebbeca.

Rebbeca Gomez: Your coming with me. Now let's go before I hit you or beat you up.

Me (Beckyyy Villegas G.): Sorry Jasmine.

Jasmine Villegas: :(

Me (Beckyyy Villegas G.): Looks at Becky!

Rebbeca Gomez: Beckyyy, you can't go with Jasmine V.

Me (Beckyyy Villegas G.): You just don't want me to go with Jasmine because the last time I went with Jasmine, Jasmine and I made out. I known Jasmine V since I was 14 or was it 15.

Rebbeca Gomez: You known Jasmine Marie Villegas longer than me.

Me (Beckyyy Villegas G.): Yes I known Jasmine Marie Vales Villegas longer than you!

Jasmine Villegas: We met in the summer of 2015. My real account was Jasminemarievillegasxm. I'm not saying my real account cause it might get disabled.

Rebbeca Gomez: Is that why you always snapchat Jasmine?

Me (Beckyyy Villegas G.): Yeah. Why?

Rebbeca Gomez: What's your snapchat?

Me (Beckyyy Villegas G.): It's Rebbeca Gomez Villegas.

Rebbeca Gomez: What's your username?

Me (Beckyyy Villegas G.): It's uh BecstinandJasbecforever21.

Rebbeca Gomez: Can you change your username to RebbecalovesBeckyGforever.

Jasmine Villegas: Rebs, Beckyyy's not going to change her username to RebbecalovesBeckyGforever. She loves her username.

Me (Beckyyy Villegas G.): Yeah Jasmine's right. I'm not gonna change my username.

Rebbeca Gomez: Your gonna change it or I will tell everyone when you sleep with Jasmine Marie Villegas you sleep naked.

Me (Beckyyy Villegas G.): You wouldn't?

Rebbeca Gomez: I would but I'm going to do that when we go on tour.

Me (Beckyyy Villegas G.): Do whatever I don't care?

5 Hours Later

On Tour with Becky G

Rebbeca Gomez: Starts singing to shower.

Me (Beckyyy Villegas G.): While Becky's on stage I snapchat Jasmine V.

On Snapchat

Jasmine Villegas: Babe may I please go on your ask fm?

Me (Beckyyy Villegas G.): Which one?

Jasmine Villegas: The one your always on.

Me (Beckyyy Villegas G.): You want me to go on my back up account so you could go on my main account which is Little Becky G. My back up account is Becky Gomez Villegas.

Jasmine Villegas: Yeah. By the way I talked to my manager and my manager said I could bring you on tour next week. So I'm goin' to pick you up today.

Me (Beckyyy Villegas G.): Why not tomorrow? Rebbeca's goin' to be mad at me.

Rebbeca Gomez: Yeah I am goin' to be mad at Beckyyy. She can't go with you on tour because she's goin' to stay with me.

Me (Beckyyy Villegas G.): Rebbeca when did I become your personal dog?

Rebbeca Gomez: Kisses me. The reason why I take you on tour is because we're the ones who are meant to be together. You shouldn't be with Jasmine.

Jasmine Villegas: Don't worry Beckyyy I'm not goin' to let Rebbeca get in our way.

Later That Night

Jasmine Villegas: Beckyyy are you here?

Me (Beckyyy Villegas G.): Yeah I'm here.

Jasmine Villegas: Let's go before Becky wakes up.

Me (Beckyyy Villegas G.): Yeah. Leaves with Jasmine.

Jasmine Villegas: I'm so glad I took you out of there. But there is something you should know!

Me (Beckyyy Villegas G.): Yeah Jasmine!

Jasmine Villegas: I turned bad.

Me (Beckyyy Villegas G.): Why did you turn bad?

Jasmine Villegas: When Becky took you with her on tour she didn't want me to be with you anymore. So she made me turn bad.

Me (Beckyyy Villegas G.): Well the truth is when you came to get me Becky wasn't with me.

Jasmine Villegas: Oh.

Rebbeca Gomez: Texts me.

Me (Beckyyy Villegas G.): Texts back.

Jasmine Villegas: Hugs me but doesn't let go.

Me (Beckyyy Villegas G.): Jasmine Marie Villegas!

Jasmine Villegas: Shut up Beckyyy.

Me (Beckyyy Villegas G.): I should've stayed with Rebbeca. Becky's right.

Jasmine Villegas: Beckyyy what did I say about talking?

Me (Beckyyy Villegas G.): You said to...

Jasmine Villegas: Interupts me. I know what I said. Now let's go.

Me (Beckyyy Villegas G.): Jasmine where are you taking me?

Jasmine Villegas: Shut up Beckyyy. Do you want me to make you bleed?

Me (Beckyyy Villegas G.): Nods my head no!

Jasmine Villegas: Okay. Now get in the box.

Me (Beckyyy Villegas G.): Gets in the box.

Jasmine Villegas: Closes the box. Then says I want you to stay in the box until it's time for us to go home.

5 Hours Later

Jasmine Villegas: Goes on stage.

Me (Beckyyy Villegas G.): Gets out of the box then leaves the tour. Before I leave I say I am never coming back.

Jasmine Villegas: Comes back and sees me out of the box.

Me (Beckyyy Villegas G.): Please Jasmine I just want to be with Becky?

Jasmine Villegas: Why do you want to be with Becky! Becky doesn't want you anymore.

Me (Beckyyy Villegas G.): Starts crying. I miss the old Jasmine. The new Jasmine V is a bad girl.

Rebbeca Gomez: Texts me.

Me (Beckyyy Villegas G.): Looks at the text message but doesn't reply back.

Jasmine Villegas: Beckyyy give me your phone.

Me (Beckyyy Villegas G.): No Jasmine.

Jasmine Villegas: Pushes me. Then takes my phone and texts Becky G. "Rebbeca you should leave Beckyyy alone. She doesn't want to be with you anymore. She only wants me. Your meaner to her. So please just leave her alone. Or I will hurt you! Now bye bye."

Rebbeca Gomez: I'm not goin' to leave Beckyyy alone. I'm not meaner then you! She doesn't want you because your mean to her. And you became a bad girl. Beckyyy wants the old Jasmine V back. She cares about you so please go back to being your old self. Xoxo Rebbeca Beaster Becky G.

Rebbeca Gomez And Becky G's 4th Of July PartyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora