You place your hand on top of his and give it a gentle squeeze. "I'm ready whenever you are," you encourage. "But if you don't feel comfortable doing this now, we can always try again another time. Just let me know."

"N-No," Elliot swallows. "I want to do it now. And like you said, the sooner you get the money, the better. I want to help you out however I can. I think I just need... a few more moments to prepare myself. I don't want to hurt you."

Your chest tightens, and all of a sudden, your heart is beating really fast.

To think that he's expressing so much concern for you, when normally, most vampires would be jumping at the opportunity to sink their fangs into a human's neck. It's pure instinct, after all. Quite literally what they were born to do.

But here he is, faced with what is possibly the greatest temptation of his life, and he's still putting your needs above his own.

There's no doubt about it.

Him and Felix couldn't be any more different.

"...okay." Elliot takes one final, deep breath, then looks over at you hesitantly. "I think... I'm ready. But I'm really sorry if I'm bad at this. I promise I'll stop the moment you tell me to if it hurts too much."

"I'll be fine," you reassure. "It wouldn't be the first time someone's drank my blood."

"Ah. Right."

It's only for a moment, but a shadow sweeps across Elliot's face.

He musters up a smile before you can think too hard about it. Then, while blushing profusely, he shifts closer to you on the couch. It's clear that he's not quite sure what to do with his hands, because he repositions himself near twenty times, and you can't help but chuckle at the sight of him scrambling.

"Here," you say, pulling him closer.

He lets out a nervous little yelp as you guide one of his arms around your waist, then you plaster yourself up against his side. You pull down the top of your shirt, exposing your neck and shoulder in one fell sweep. Elliot swallows, and you can't tell if it's because of the thought of your blood, or if it's because he's seeing so much of your skin for the first time.

You suppose the details don't really matter at this point, because based on how transfixed he looks, it's obvious he won't be turning back.

"I can really do it?" Elliot asks. You can feel his hand shaking as he holds you close. "I-If you're sure it's alright, then I'm going to do it, okay?"

You smile gently and nod. "Yeah. It's okay. Go ahead."

His lips slowly inch closer to your neck. The warmth of his breath hits your skin, and instinctively, you shudder.

The next thing you feel is that sharp, all-too familiar sensation, and you grit your teeth, forcing yourself to endure the initial few seconds of pain, which are undeniably the worst.

You often make it a point not to look while a vampire is drinking your blood, but when you hear the little gasp Elliot lets out, you find yourself glancing towards him, and your gaze briefly meets his.

Sure enough, his cheeks are still flushed red, but you notice that his eyes seem much less alert. In fact, they've glazed over, almost as if he's in some sort of trance. Despite his prior embarrassment, his instincts have clearly taken over, and you watch as he takes slow, steady gulps of your blood.

Truth be told, the sight is both fascinating and horrifying. You never stopped to think what kind of expressions vampires make while they're drinking their fill.

It's almost as if he's trapped in a long, blissful dream.

Elliot squeezes you a bit tighter, suckling from your neck even more eagerly than before. He's never gotten to drink blood like this before. The laws surrounding vampires are so stringent, after all, and few vampires have ever bitten a human directly. Most vampires moved to the city for this very reason. To have the chance to be closer to humans.

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