1 {It Hurts}

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"HEY! Y'all I'm Amara. I was the most popular girl in school until me and Melo Breakup. Melo was the best to me. I actually miss him so much cause how much we spend together. We went to the movies and saw The Little Mermaid. We went to the carnival and got toys like a big bear and a dolphin. We went to the photo booth and our pictures was so cute. I have the pictures hang up in my room. When I just look at it, I just melt down. I just wondered why he thought that I cheated on him? I didn't even did anything wrong. He don't even know how it really hurt me to cheat on me. He was my first boyfriend. He was the first guy who ever showed me love. Now, It tear me to pieces because he was really special to me. Now the person that I thought will be in my whole life is gone".

Hate For You {Melo x Amara Fanfic} @AmiraBurnett1Where stories live. Discover now