personal update abt the situation

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I'm choosing not to support Shelby.

Before you aim your pitchforks, hear me out.

The timeline I am aware of is that Shelby did the stream were she talked about the abuse. Then went on vacation while the internet blew up and blindly chose sides without further evidence, let alone a single word from Wilbur.

Wilbur, who was on a mental health break, made his statement. He explained his side of the story and how he saw and felt about what happened in the past. He did briefly apologize, and while most people argue "it was a shitty apology", the apology is not for us, it's not for the internet. It's for Shelby, and chances are, he privately apologized. His apology is not ours to accept.

We hear nothing from Shelby, except "i don't accept the apology." What upsets me with this, is that she, someone who has been a content creator for over a decade, said this publicly. She should know that this will farm more hate towards Wilbur. It was unnecessary to say to the public. She should know the consequences.

Wilbur was doxxed. Wilbur has received thousands of death threats. While he was on a mental health break. Fans and ex-fans of Wilbur know that he has always struggled with his mental health, and all this has definitely made things worse for him.

Shelby didn't say anything else, until she tweeted. In the tweet, she said she had been on vacation, not a mental health break (which would be far more reasonable), but a vacation. When I hear vacation, I think "away from home, possibly traveling abroad, doing fun things, like visiting new places, learning about other cultures, or relaxing somewhere like the beach or a cruise". She may have also been with family (reasonable), but that isn't a vacation... that's just visiting family. Back to the tweet, she stated that she doesn't support spreading hate. That's great... except she continued to be a major hypocrite by liking comments or posts that were hating on Wilbur.

Now, obviously, I don't support abuse. I don't support Wilbur's actions. However, I do believe his side of the story too. I also know that, from stories from Wilbur himself, he had a rough childhood, especially when it came to the relationships with his parents; People he RARELY brings up at all. (Which could also be explained by the respect for their privacy too- however, we have still heard some stories about his childhood not being the greatest) Wilbur struggles with mental health and PTSD from his childhood, which no, does not excuse his actions, but it does explain why he may have committed them. Combine this with the fact that it could be likely that he could have some sort of disorder that either we are not aware of, or he may not even by diagnosed. I'm not saying this like it's for real, like it's true... I'm just suggesting that there is a possibility.

Back to Shelby now... I can't support her because of her immaturity of the situation.Don't get me wrong, I understand her anger. I understand the betrayal and agony that she feels- I have felt the same about my ex. I, too, handled things immaturely.So, why can't I be understanding?Because I was a kid. When my ex and I split, I was 12. From ages 12-14, I handled things immaturely and made things extremely public when I shouldn't have. There are things I understand now, that I didn't understand before.Shelby, on the other hand, is a grown adult. She is an adult, who has been on the internet for a good portion of her life... she should absolutely know the consequences. She should know how people will react. She should know how to be mature about it. She knows she influences people... and her immaturity about the situation can bring across the wrong message to younger people.This is why I can't support Shelby. I will not blindly support her like many others do. Her actions are reading badly for her as an adult.

As for Wilbur, maybe I am naive... but I believe he can change. He has proven that he's capable of change, being a shitty kid, saying something bad in 2020... things he has spoken about and apologized for doing, and he has not repeated those mistakes.I believe that everyone is capable of change if they can recognize their mistakes and faults, apologize, and move on... and strive to be better.I have changed. I used to be a pretty shitty kid too. I was mean, I had physically harmed someone before, I constantly argued with people like my parents and grandparents... I was not always a good kid, especially when I reached middle school. However, I have realized all of my mistakes and my faults. I have apologized. I have strived to be better than I was.That's why I believe that others can do it too. Everyone CAN change... but many people choose not to. However, I believe that Wilbur can. I believe that Shelby can too.If I can look back, realize my mistakes, apologize for them, and become a better person... so can they.Change begins with realizing one's mistakes and apologizing for them. Wilbur has already done this. I believe in him. Even if it makes me seem naive.

I believe Shelby. I understand that she still feels traumatized by Wilbur's actions, whether his actions were intended to be abusive or not. It's okay that she feels that way. But I don't support her because it would be fueling the fire.

I silently support Wilbur because I want him to be okay and I believe that he can change.I may not be quiet about it here on Wattpad, but that's because people here are much more chill. I feel much safer saying this stuff here.

Reminder: This is all my opinion. This is all my choice. I have interpreted the situation in my own time and this is my personal conclusion. You can disagree with me. That's fine. But if you do, you don't need to tell me. If you feel angry about my opinion, then you can unfollow me. Again, no need to say anything. Just be respectful about it; just unfollow me and move on with your life. There are better things to put your energy into.Thank you for reading.

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