about the situation

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With the... situation that unfolded... there are a few things I want to say.

First, I want to tell people something that I desperately needed to hear myself:
You're not a bad person for not being ready to let go. It is completely okay and valid to feel distraught right now, and it's okay to feel overwhelmed. It's understandable that you may not feel ready to let go yet. It's okay to feel how you feel about everything. It's okay to be confused. It's okay to be mad. It's okay to be disappointed. And it's okay to feel hurt. If you're in a similar boat as I, feeling overwhelmed, confused, hurt, and unprepared to move on; it's okay. You're not alone. Take as much time as you need to heal, because this is damaging to those of us that found comfort in Wilbur. It's okay for us to take the time to step aside, breathe, and collect our thoughts.

Secondly, I'm not planning on changing anything on here. I'm going to continue writing as I wish, and that is because I have ALWAYS stated that my fanfics are strictly characters. I am allowed to appreciate his DSMP and QSMP characters and separate them from the real him. His characters do NOT equate to the real him, which is why I choose not to change.
I will 100% be harassed for my decision on this, and I may be going against other creators for this, but I don't care. I am doing what I want to do, and I'm not harming anyone by doing it. If it upsets someone, just block me.

Unrelated to the situation: I'm sorry for not posting. I'm still struggling with burnout and lately, I've been struggling with my mental health, and with all this mess whipped on top of things I was already struggling with, I'm definitely not in a good place. This is more than likely going to put a further pause on updates. At best, I may post angst chapters, because it's how I cope with my emotions. Thank you guys for being so patient. It means a lot. <3

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