
Comenzar desde el principio

Why is he even so dry, I thought it would be more fun.


Do you even have friends?🤨

I do
unlike you

huhh you're the one being dry

you're the one who messaged me first

damn ok😖
why so cold🥶🥶


I feel sorry for you friends
So tobio what are you doing

Doing math homework

HAHAH my brother is doing mine rn😛
you got this💪


Wdym I'm literally smart asf

Your brother is doing your hw
you're lazy 😐

First of all, you can use emojis😧😧
And he's only doing it bc I
you're right I'm lazy😭 but I'm a straight A student, I am allowed to do this

So you're good in math?

ofc 💪

Help me in math

no please?


oki tobio, send me a pic of ur homework


I will call you alright? I'm too lazy to explain it in text

uh ok


I click on the call thingy, waiting for him to accept the call


„Hi" I say waiting for an answer

„Hello." he answers, my heart literally skipped a beat.

I cleared my throat quickly, „So, because of your homework. In the first number you need to try and find out what x is. Firstly you're going to multiply y with 9. then you're gonna add it to the next equation....."
(A: idek what I'm writing yall)

„Oh and that's it?" he wonders with curiosity.

„Mhm, it's actually really easy you just need to understand it a bit and everything will just click y'know. Do you have any other questions? Or maybe homework tha-"

Ofc Tooru interrupts me.

„What?" I say as I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

„At least be kind after I'm doing your homework shithead, mom said that you need to clean the kitchen."

„But I already did, well not today but yesterday. It's your turn." I talk back

„I do not care, mom said that you need to do it now." he laughs at me.

„Asshole, get out of my room" I throw a pillow at him.

„Jeez I get it ugly." he walks out, I'm always the one who needs to do the chores. They really think that I have nothing better to do than to clean.

I look back at my phone.

„I guess I need to go offline now, good night tobio." I say my goodbye.

„night yuzuka."

I hung up, time to clean now I guess.

─── ──

That's it for today, thanks for reading yall
Tbh I don't even know how to continue the story I'll be thinking about it today and then yeah we'll see.
It's still so boring 😖 I'm trying to make it more interesting, but it's only the second chapter so it's oki.

I love you so much, it hurts. | Kageyama T.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora