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We had just got off the plane and was now walking to the garage were we parked at, I aint gone lie it feels weird with out the kids and her around. It was just hella quiet now ain't no kids running around and yelling all day day.

We made it to the cars and eveyrbody got in they whip and left me and miya was finna go to my crib and crash that plane had us tired ASL. We pulled up and I parked getting out giving her the keys while, I grabbed all our bags and walked in the house locking the door.

I followed miya upstairs and sat our bags down and went to change into some more comftorable clothes, i walked back in the room and seen miya on her phone. SO me being me i snatched it and ran out the room and i heard he chasing me making me run in the kitchen and stand behind the island.

"u so damn annoying." miya said standing there with her arms crossed.

"girl bye." I took the chance to change her psw and give her phone back like everything was normal

"here." i said satting the phone down on the counter and walked fastly back to the room and got in my bed and i was almost sleep but she came in here yelling and shit.

"what's my psw." she asked

"idk." I said acting confused.

"yes u do u changed it."she said yelling

"unt unt yo ass cant get on another plane u going crazy and shii." I said

"I unlcoked her phone and we went to sleep.

Everybody had left a couple hours back and it was just me and the kids they was currently taking a nap they cried a little and I was feeling bad but I needed this. I was waiting for them to wake up so we can go make sum errands.

I need to go enroll the kids in daycare and go pick my schedule from campus, I hope they allow me to bring the kids tomorrow after I enroll them today. I was gone try and aime for some online classes just in case on weekends I had class and couldn't go in the building.

My door opened and the kids came walking in already dress and had they shoes on, I got up and threw my stuff on so we wouldn't be out to late, I wanted to get them on a sleeping schedule.

"alr come on guys."I told the kids walking over to my door.

We walked out and went outside to the car and I helped them in and got in, and GPS the daycare and surprisinggly it was only 10 mintues away, I turned on rod wave and drove off.

I looked around the neighborhood and noticed we was kinda on the lil rich people side of town, all u seen was big ass houses, nice ass cars, and boujiee ass people. I pulled up to the daycare and turned the car off getting out and grabbed the kids.

I grabbed they hands and we walked inside and walked to the front desk and I see a lady on the phone so I waited til she hung up.

"Hii welcome to manny's daycare, what can I do for u." the lady spoke.

"Hii I'm here to register my two childrend." I said.

"ok just fill out all the paperwork and they can start TMR." she said handing me paperwork.

I grabbed the kids and we went to the sit down and I felt out the paper work, and I'm happy they can start TMR.

30 minutes later...

I finished the paper work and she put them in the system and they start TMR from 7 in the morning tiil 5 in the after noon.

We left and went to my school so I can go get my schedule, I pulled up and the campus was full of people. I drove around until I found a parking spot next to a lambo, whoever car that is must got some money.

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