|Violin practice|•Satoru Gojo•

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                          Enjoy :)
A/n: You and Gojo are close in age

Violin practice wasn't actually what you wanted. You wanted to do karate or something cool but your parents insisted you should do something more lady-like and decided to find a private Violin teacher for you.

They told you a few hours later, that you would have a man named Satoru teach you, and he also taught his son, Megumi. 'not to mention that he would be picking you up tomorrow '

... As the black Benz pulled up before you, the window slid down and your breath cut short. This man had heavenly eyes with so much blue the sky could get jealous. His hair looked light and soft and gorgeously white. His glasses rested comfortably just before the tip of his nose.

Uh... G-Goo Goo Gaa Gaa?

"Hey there Y/n. I'm your new Violin teacher! Do me a favor and hop in, it's unlocked"

You mutter curses upon curses inside of your head for not going for a flashier look. You gently jimmy the handle until it opens up, and you sit in the passenger seat.

And holy hell, he smelled delicious...

You shakily click in a seatbelt, and sit back stiffly, like a robot.

"Y/n? Is something wrong?" Gojo said waving a hand in front of your frozen face. Instead it only wafted more of the intoxicating scent in your nostrils.

"Mhm Im fine. Do you live far? We are going to your house for lessons, right?"
Gojo chuckled. Mhm, yeah. I also teach my son, Megumi. But I'm sure you already knew that didn't you" Gojo said, finally pulling off. He actually went pretty slow for such a young guy.

Damnit! Was this man was really actually fucking perfect?! You ooze out of the car and follow him inside of the big mansion.. his adopted son meets the both of you at the door. "Hey Megumi-chan~"he said with a playful kiss to the cheek. "This, in Y/n L/n! Be nice to her, ok?" And with a few awkward glances at each other, Gojo loudly clasped his hands together and brightly beamed; "Alright then students, Let the fun begin!"
With that, he disappeared! You and Megumi looked at each other. He reached a hand out toward you, in request of a shake. "... Call me Fushiguro. Nice to meet you"
"Ah, likewise! You can call me Y/n" you shake his hand. He actually smelled like coconut you thought to yourself.

The Gojo guy appeared again, smiling to himself. "Follow me you two" he said motioning you guys to follow.  You both enter a large room, 'After quite some walking! Damn this big house!' it was complete with all sorts of instruments everywhere. You and Fushiguro sat quietly where he instructed you to. He pulled up a chair, and sit smugly with his arm over the back of the chair, and spreaded his thighs. "So, let's get to it. What exactly do you know about violins?" You think for a second before perking up brightly. "Not much, but I've seen plenty of violinist's on the internet!" He smirks before pulling his structure together in the proper form to hold a violin. 'Well, Y/n L/n. There's a whole lot more to it than it may seem..."

In about a month, of two lessons every week, there home easily became Y/n's second home. Her parents didn't mind her being there after because she was always a super antisocial person. Megumi was always chill, and Gojo was always charged. They were polar opposites and both fun to be around. Meanwhile, Y/n was like the little sister of the house.

"Hey Fushiguro-kun" you chirped. Today was extra special for you. Gojo wanted you by yourself for individual lessons. You wore a skirt, with black tights beneath it, you just had your hair curled, and you wore a white button up. He greeted you normally, and lead you off to a room you've never been in. It was pretty big as well as all the other rooms. Gojo sat, and motioned you over. He spread his legs apart and patted his left thigh in an invitation. If only he knew what you were thinking about right then and there. You slowly walked closer, and sat gently on his thigh. It was warm too. He braced you with a strong arm going around your waist. You suddenly feel lightheaded. He begins a lesson about violin notes, and ques. You sigh, and unconsciously move your head to rest on his shoulder. "Tired?" He asks. His voice was soft yet held so much power. You softly nod in response.

He sighs and jumps in response placing the book down. He leaned back and stood with you in his arms like a baby. You blush intensely and shut your eyes in attempt for it to look natural. He carried you off somewhere, and sat down with you still in his arms.

"Oh Y/n..." He murmured. He layed you down softly and swooshed a blanket over you. It smelled to fine...
His glasses slipped off of his face, and his Blue orbs met your E/c coloured eyes. He gently grabbed your chin and pecked your lips.

(Honestly you were worried about having dry lips😩)

As your lips met his, you tasted the lingering flavor of pineapple shots, you loved it and wanted more.

About two years later, you and Gojo settled down, Megumi would be your new son, and ypu were a violin ✨master✨


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