The manager-3

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Mrs Khalid Pov:

I don't know what's more harder, handling a child or a buisness. After Khalid I never choose any other man for Saima's sake because father or not he would be a man first, and not always a man sees other girl or women as daughter and wife.

"Ms. Sandhu can I get a cup of coffee?"

Sighing Mrs Khalid move back from the large pashio waiting for Saima as she was missing since last night and Mrs Khalid knows her hereabout as there were many guards in disguise around Saima.

Should I call her? She must be angry right now.

Picking her phone, she called the guards and ask about Saima, receiving call the guard informed Mrs Khalid about what happened.
Looking straight at her garden Mrs Khalid was calmly sipping her coffee until she heard the doorbell, she didn't move around to check who it was as she knew it was Saima because of her whinning to Ms Sandhu about her mother not let her have her favourite food yesterday and didn't move upstairs until took promise from her to make it.

Mrs Khalid smiled at her grown up baby's whinning but didn't let her know that she was around.

When Saima moved upstairs to her room.

Mrs Khalid sighed and moved towards the kitchen.

"Ms. Sandhu can I take kitchen for a day from you?"

Ms Sandhu just smiled at her mam's words because this lady owns all the mansion but always ask from those who are attending it from years.

" Ofcourse mam all yours"

Saying Ms Sandhu left the kitchen leaving her mam alone.

"Hanji kya banaye apni shehzaadi ke lia?"

Said she started preparing the mughlai food and Saima can die for her mother's mughlai food.

Saima didn't understand till now that her mother knows her even more then her.


Few minutes later the Khalid mansion smelt heavenly as Mrs Khalid finished preparing the meal. Cleaning her hands and putting the final finishes to the dishes, she put lid on the pots and took some coffee and cookies in a tray and left for upstairs.

Knocking on the door she entered to saw her princess lying on her stomach with both her arm and legs in four different directions.

Chuckling she moved inside and put the tray on her side table while sitting on the edge.

Mrs Khalid moved her fingers slowly in Saima's hairs, sighing Saima feeled relaxed, she was in her dreams didn't realise who it was until

" Kaha thi aap kal Puri raat?"
( Where were you last night?)

Saima flinched out of her dreams but didn't dare to open her eyes because firstly she didn't expected her and secondly she was lying on her bed by her stomach and with her shoes on and the cherry on the cake was her room which wasn't less than a pig's puddle.

Mrs Khalid felt the sensation in her body and sighed because she never ever realised her kids fears her this much.
When she came in her room she did saw the mess and her shoes but didn't felt to react because yesterday she did over enough to her and after today's incident she was proud of her child.

"Saima are you okay?"

Mrs Khalid softly asked to make her relax but Saima's fears never let her guards down because once she started feeling lovable towards this person, She gave her more reasons to hate her.

"I am okay Mam- I mean mom"

Saima said quickly while sitting up and cleaning down her appearance by combing hairs with her fingers.

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