Chapter 4

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Charlotte's Pov

When we reached home, we saw many soldiers gathered around our house.
There were carriages too.
There were just too many people around.
I looked at Engfa, and she had the same confused look as mine.
She immediately grabbed my hands tightly and led me through the crowd.
When we reached inside of our home, we saw our father with the king and Queen of our kingdom, Nooa.
"What's happening?" Engfa asked without even bothering to look at the royals.
"Engfa, where are your manners ?
Bow to your King and Queen," our father commanded.
"I bow to nobody !!!!" She said sternly.
I immediately blushed as I was the "nobody" she was talking about.

"She's got your attitude!!!" The king spoke,smiling.
I don't know who he was saying that to.
"What's the matter ??" I asked, stepping further.
Suddenly, both the king and Queen turned to my direction, and the Queen rushed towards me.
"How are you, my child ?" She asked.
"I am fine--I--wait !!! What did you just call me ?" I asked, but she had already wrapped her arms around me.
"It's the time we tell you the truth, Charlotte," the king spoke.

I looked at our father. He just had his eyes filled with tears.
"Father, what are they talking about ??" Engfa inquired.
"Charlotte is not your sister !!!" Our father said.
"I know that," Engfa yelled.
"Wait, how did you know that ?" Our father asked, confused.
"Baba, you aren't married. And no one has ever seen you with a woman, so how did we get here ?" Engfa explained in a rather childish manner.

"Of course, I have been with women. What do you mean ?" Our father defended himself.
"That's not the point here !!!" I yelled.
" You're our child. You're my baby, " the queen spoke again.
My heart started racing faster.
"How---wha---why ?" I couldn't even form a sentence. I was overwhelmed.
"You were in great danger and could have been killed if you had stayed with us," the king explained.
"So, you guys abandoned me ?" I asked, stepping away from them.
"That's not what we did. We didn't abandon you, my child," the queen cried.

"Why are you even here now ?" Engfa asked, placing her arms around my waist and pulling me closer.
"We're here to take her back, Engfa," the king spoke.
Engfa's grip on my waist tightened.
"No, you will not," she told them in rather commanding voice.

"She has to go, Engfa," our father explained.
I looked at Engfa and shook my head.
"I don't want to," I wishpered.

"You won't go," Engfa wishpered back, more like a begging.
The king grabbed my hand and pulled me. Suddenly, a knife was held against him.
It was Engfa.
"Hands off her !!!" She ordered.
The kind didn't let me go, and Engfa was approaching him. The moment his blood drew, the queen yelled, and his guards came running inside and piled upon Engfa.
We got separated.
She was surrounded by the Kings guards. All of them charged at her, and my heart was beating very fast.
I was scared for her. I wanted her to be fine. She had to be fine.

But she, being herself, easily defeated all of them.
"Fast !!" The king commanded  and I was picked up by two guards who led me outside to one of the carriages.
I screamed at them to let me go and even punched and slapped them but they were too strong.
I could sense Engfa approaching, but I feared it was too late.
I tried escaping, but then suddenly I was chained to the carriage.
"What the hell are you doing??? Leave me........I beg you," I pleaded.

Engfa's Pov

Charlotte was being taken away, and I had to save her, no matter what.
The more I went outside, the more guards were coming. They were like ants. Too weak, but too much.
I could have killed each and everyone in here, but now all I want is to get to her.

As I was outside, I saw the carriages already very far away from me.
Right at that moment, something sharp hit me, and I looked down to see it. It was a sword. But still, I didn't fight him back. I somehow feared that that was the last time I would be seeing anything of her or her.
I wanted to capture the moment as long as I could, though i could only see the back of the carriage. I knew the carriage had my Charlotte, so I tried to take it as much as possible.
Then something inside me snapped, and I started chasing them, barefoot.
The roads weren't very well and contained many sharp objects, but those didn't affect me.
I had to get to her.
My horse came running to me.
I climbed onto him
"Thanks, buddy," I patted him, and he started speeding.
We nearly reached the carriage, but then suddenly I realised.

Charlotte was a princess. She was born to live in a castle and not some old building.
She is supposed to order people around, not work.
She was born to rule......
So, I had to let her go.
As for me, I'll always be her loyal servant no matter what.

Long time, princess..............

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