Chapter 2

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Charlotte's Pov

As me and father ran out to where the act was performed, I deeply felt Engfa had something to do with this.
I begged to god, that the person isn't Engfa, but, as we reached there, there she was, standing proud and tall.
She didn't even have an ounce on regret.

Her hands were bloody, her face was sweaty, and yet she was smiling when she saw us.
I looked at the commander's headless body, which was left lying in the middle of the market.

"What'd you do, Engfa ?" Father yelled angrily.
"It was his fault. He was the one being a troublemaker," she answered.
"The troublemaker here is you," I pointed out.
She just looked at me before sighing.
"He told me to bow down to him," she said.

I was shocked. "You beheaded him just because of that ?" I questioned.
"Offcourse I did. It questioned my pride, so I had to do something," she said proudly.
I just stared at her in disbelief.

That's when I heard our father laughing.
"Father, why are you laughing ?" I asked him.
Engfa joined him and started laughing as well.
"Did someone crack a joke that I didn't hear ?" I asked.

Engfa suddenly stopped and looked at Father.
"Why are you laughing ?" She asked.
Wow ! She was also laughing but didn't know why.

"I see a very potential general in you," Father said as he patted her shoulders.
"He was indeed very problematic. The king also didn't like him," he added.
"But was it necessary to kill him ?" I asked both of them.

"Yes, it indeed was necessary. A general's head never should never bow down," he said.
Engfa's smile grew wider.
I just can't with these guys.

I just rolled my eyes and went back to our house.
I heard Engfa following me while Father was saying something to the guards.

As she entered our house, I heard her close the door behind.
"If stupidity was an art, you would be a masterpiece," I said to her.
She looked at me confused.

"What ?" She questioned.
"That is stupid what you did there," I added.
"Oh! Couldn't you have just used simple language then," she teased.

"I need to go out," I said as I went to open the door.
Then suddenly, I was pulled by her, and our faces were only inches away.
To be honest, I got butterflies. This isn't the first time I had them when I'm around her.

It's not wrong either because I know we aren't Father's biological children. He had adopted us from different parents.
"Why do you keep going away from me?" She asked. Her breath clearly fell on my lips. It sent shivers down my spine.

"I just want to get fresh air," I responded.
"Oh, OK! Come. I know a place," she said, pulling away from me.
"Miss! I need fresh air because of you, I don't want you around me right now," I said, which was clearly a lie. I needed her close to me.

"Nope, not happening. You'll never get rid of me," she said teasingly.
I just pushed her away and opened the door.
Then suddenly she held my hands and turned me around.
"Follow me," she said, and I followed her like a lost puppy.

She led me to the forest. I have never been to the forest without her. She knows every path in here. She took me to an unusual path. It was very hard for me to catch up with her.
Thankfully, we reached the place she had intended to take me.
It was a lake side, with beautiful flowers on the side. The sun was setting, and the breeze was flowing, birds were returning to their respective nests, and it was just perfect. Just me and her.

"I'm sorry," she said as she came behind me.
"For ?" I asked.
"For killing him, you are apologising to me ?" I added.
"I have no regrets in killing him, but I am deeply sorry if I made you upset,"she said in a very soft tone.
No matter how strong she makes herself look, I always find her cute.

I don't say anything. I just pull her closer and hug her. She wrapped her arms around my waist and hugged me back.
We stayed like that for some time before I pulled away.

"It's beautiful here," I said, looking
around. "It sure is," she said, coming even closer. The tension in the air was thickening.

She suddenly pulled me closer and placed one hand on my cheeks while the other was playing with my hair.
She leaned closer, and so did I.
But just when we were about to kiss, something struck me.

I winced in pain, and she pulled away.
"What happened ?" She asked, concerned.
"My foot--ow," I couldn't even complete my sentence when she picked me up and placed me on a rock. Damn she was fast.

She knelt down to my level and pulled my shoe off.
As She was about to touch my feet, I stopped her.
"A general's head should never bow down," I told her.
Suddenly, she pulled my neck and joined our lips. I was shocked by her immediate action, but I wasn't complaining. It was a gentle and sweet kiss. It was actually my first kiss, too.

"Shut that pretty lips of yours," she said, and she pulled away.
She examined my foot and pulled out the throne that had pricked me.

She then helped me put my shoe on and again came close.
"My head will only bow to you," she said before yet again kissing me.
Her words melted my heart.
Her soft lips on mine.
Her hands roamed my body. She was getting on top of me as I was going down.
Thankfully, the stone was large, and I could easily lay on it.

She never stopped kissing me for one bit. She only pulled away to ask for my permission.
I nodded in response before again she crashed her lips on mine.
She slowly started untying the laces of my dress.
I could feel her getting hard.
I always knew she had that but never forced her to tell me, but it looks like today is the day, I'll be finding out.

Where she stands, I bowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora