Tide of the Mother Part 2

Start from the beginning

Twilight stayed silent as she listened to her daughter's small vent, trying to process what her daughter was feeling based on everything that she must've experienced/done during her journey. While she couldn't really speak for what Laguna may or may not have done, what she could speak of was the apparent guilt her daughter was feeling and of Laguna's apparent reasoning for what influenced the way she may or may not have acted around her friends.

The middle-aged Techno approached her daughter, placing a hand on her back while saying, "Your friends, kelpcake, these mates that you're talking about, are they people who care"?

Laguna looked up at her mother, nodding while saying, "Of course they are."

"And would you say that they'd risk life and limb if it meant helping you," Twilight then asked.

"Note: most definitely," Laguna replied, adding, "They've done so much to help me on this journey overall. I don't think I would've even made it as far as we did together if not for them."

"And your friends, are they understanding," Twilight then asked.

Laguna nodded again, saying, "Oh, very understanding; they've understood why I've felt so strongly about wanting to find you, even when I felt frustrated or angry."

"Have they been there for you, even when you felt at your worst? Or at your lowest," Twilight then asked.

"Through hell and back as far as I can admit," Laguna replied.

Then, Twilight smiled, saying, "Then, that's more than enough to know that your friends would never hate you for what's happened and everything in between."

Laguna was confused, asking, "But how can you be so sure"?

Twilight answered, explaining reassuringly, "Because if your friends are willing to listen to your troubles, step in to help you even if it means giving a little tough love, and still offer their support and encouragement even in the face of emotional instability, then it shows that they truly care a lot about you."

"Acting rashly based on emotions is something that is more common than you think, and to be honest, if things were turned around, i would've reacted the same way that you have kelpcake, feeling so emotionally driven to find you and getting frustrated/angry that I wasn't getting any closer to you by the minute, and at the same time, scared I'd never find you again."

"I know this, and I know that your friend know this too; they'd be feeling the same thing if their family members were missing or hurt, so not only is it something they can relate to, but it's something that they understand, and it's why they'd keep doing their best to offer comfort and support, and be of assistance if help was needed. Because they know how much family means to you, just as you know how much family means to them, and family is always there for each other, through blood ties, and friendship ties too."

Twilight then added, "I'm sure that your friends are out there right now, trying to look for you because just as I'm family to you, you are family to them; and the same way you risked death to find me, they'd probably defy odds if it meant finding you."

Laguna processed what her mother had told her, saying in realization, "I guess you're right, mom," before she added, giving a slight giggle, "Troll Lousie, I've only just gotten to see you for 5 minutes, and already, you're giving me mom wisdom."

Twilight chuckled in response, saying, "Well, that's what parents do: we offer advice, even if we've been apart for many years."

Laguna then took note of her mom's condition, eyeing mostly her mom's thin composure and her faded skin that looked almost flaky, commenting with concern, "Mom, when was the last time you've eaten? Or more importantly, rehydrated"?

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