Start from the beginning

"Himari can confirm. She saw it happen, too." Putting her on the spot now, is he? All eyes turned to the girl, who then didn't expect the sudden shift of attention to her. She sighed out of habit, exasperated at having to repeat this over and over to him. "It was in self-defense, Jotaro." Really, how many times did she have to tell him that? "If it wasn't for you, I would've gotten mugged or worse yesterday."

"That isn't the point right now. The point is, I'm being followed by a dangerous evil spirit, and it's unsafe for me to be out there."

"And this 'evil spirit' following you makes the fact that you were defending yourself any different?" He still wasn't listening. This is getting infuriating by the minute. She caught herself thinking, listening in on the comments of the police officers. They seemed almost as tired of this as she was.

"For crying out loud—You see what I'm talking about, ma'am? We tell him to leave, but he refuses!"

"This isn't a hotel!"

Before she could think on it any further, the prisoners whom Jotaro shared a cell with ran over, practically falling over themselves as they pleaded to be switched into another cell. Was there really something to be afraid of? She had to hold back a sneer as they noisily clamored and rattled against the metal bars, yet behind them Jotaro remained indifferent, even picking up a can of beer from the table and punching a hole into it with a pen.

"But you're behind bars! How did you get that in there?!" Seemed the police officers had caught onto the fact that there were things in there that weren't supposed to be in a jail cell. Compared to the worries of the officers, the girl shook her head, giving him a disapproving stare. "That can't be good for you." To nobody's surprise, he gave her nothing but a sideglance, narrowing his eyes in response as he shotgunned the beer straight from the can. "I told you, it's the evil spirit. It's bringing me things."

"Can't it give you something to drink that isn't some crappy beer?"

"What the hell?! He's got a boombox and a copy of Shōnen Jump in there! This isn't good!" Nobody held the same sentiments as she did, did they? Jotaro didn't seem to pay any mind to their panic, before seemingly thinking of something that would prove his point. He straightened up from where he sat before he cut in, "Hold it." Then, all the attention in the room turned back to him.

"If you still think you can release me, let me show you just how bad things can get." Jotaro stood up from the prison bed, taking his hat off his head and approaching the bars that separated him from the outside world. What he was planning, she had no clue, but her brows furrowed as her eyes looked him up and down—from the dead set expression on his face to the calloused hands that hung by his side. All she hoped was it wasn't anything too crazy.

"Then, you'll have no doubt that setting me free is a bad idea." His hand extended towards the holster of one of the officers. Golden eyes widened seeing that same purple-skinned arm appear next to him, just more transparent than when she saw him last time, retrieving the officer's gun without a hitch, while remaining unseen to everyone else. "...Oi, Jojo." Whatever he was doing, she didn't like it. Himari's brows knitted together, tone warning as she tried to find his gaze. She chewed on her bottom lip, not knowing what to do in this situation. The prolonged silence was unbearable, his next reply not being directed at her as he pointedly avoided her sharp gaze. It was like he already knew what she was thinking, and actively avoided having to deal with it.

"You didn't see it, did you? In that case.."

Her eyes practically widened into saucers now that Jotaro was slowly trailing the gun until it was right next to his temple. "Jojo." Himari firmly said now, golden eyes still trained on his every move. Yet he paid no heed to her, not even when she stepped forward without thinking—he only took a step further back. Jotaro singlehandedly cocked the revolver, not letting anybody else put a word in and pulling the trigger with a loud, resonating—

𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐒 𝐅𝐄𝐋𝐋   ✔  jjba stardust crusaders oc insert .Where stories live. Discover now