Gold bars. Diamonds and precious gems. Land and vehicle titles. Blueprints of important buildings Kirari had built. Stacks of money in different currencies. A case that housed her gold-plated revolver along with bullets. A reproduction of the Piri Reis map. Shocking. Kirari had kept the pair of lavender underwear she had lost on the very first day she entered the Momobami Twins manor. Sayaka giggled. Oh, Kirari, You're such a pervert. That, and a towel filled with dried blood. What on earth was this, Sayaka thought as she laid it next to her stolen underwear. They were packed inside clear ziplock plastic bags. There was a disk labeled "First Night" and Sayaka wondered if this was Ririka's recording of the first time she and Kirari had made love. She fished around inside the deeper parts of the safe that was inlaid in the walls and found a jar filled with what looked to be intestines. Weird, Sayaka thought. 

    Then, there were more ziplock bags filled with mittens and small shoes. They were labeled with names of their children and Sayaka was touched that Kirari had kept them. There were pictures of sonograms when she had been pregnant with the children as well as nude photos of herself that Kirari had taken of Sayaka some years back. Various odd items appeared. An antique wooden comb. A bejewelled dagger that hadn't been polished. A coaster of an old jazz club called Birdland. A braided straw rope colored in red inside an antique blue jar. A red colored chunk of brick. The name plate from Hyakkaou that used to sit atop Kirari's presidential desk. Then lastly, a sketch pad whose drawing took Sayaka's breath away. She couldn't help but stare not realizing that so much time had passed and it was late afternoon. Kirari soon appeared at the doorway to her own room carrying a box of seafood pizza. The smell of food filled the room but Sayaka hadn't moved from her position. 

    "Sayaka? What in the world are you doing?" Kirari entered the room her eyes darling from left to right, nervously looking at the safe and then all the things Sayaka had dug up from inside her secret compartment. Sayaka was still holding the sketchbook in her trembling hands, her mouth half-open. Kirari came closer and set the box of pizza on the carpet as she knelt next to Sayaka, "You should ask me first before going through my stuff." 

    "Kirari...why do you have this drawing?" 

   "I didn't do that drawing. 'Ika did. We were children back then, not more than six or seven when it was drawn. Its a drawing of a girl we met in Singapore. My first crush."

    "In Momobamilandia..."

    "Yes! How did you know...Oh!" Recognition dawned on Kirari and her face turned white.  

    "Yes, Kirari. This is me when I was a child," Sayaka stared at the likeness and Kirari pulled the sketchbook and placed it next to Sayaka's face. 

    "It IS you! Oh my, my, my...I've had this sketch for ages now but I hadn't figured out that THIS was actually YOU! I hadn't put it together. You had purple eyes when I first met you in Hyakkaou. The girl in this drawing had black eyes. And...I actually forgot that I even had this drawing at all. I always thought the child I met there lived in Singapore, not Japan." 

    "When I was young I got lost in Momobamilandia. That was YOUR amusement park!" 

    "It was. It still is," Kirari replied, goosebumps breaking out all over her arms and nape, "This was such a long time ago, Sayaka. I must confess...that it was so long ago I even forgot your name." 

    "I forgot yours too, Kirari. I was only...five? Maybe six? But I remember that I got separated from my parents and was bullied at that park. My brand new glasses got smashed by those kids. They tore at my hair, threw food at me. Called me names. And then, two girls came to my rescue. But since my glasses were smashed, I wasn't able to get a good look at your faces. It was all a blur. But--that was you. You and 'Ika!" 

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