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- Shubman's pov -

I woke up groaning my head hurts little i saw it was morning already i sighed ......what just happened yesterday after i fainted?

I throw duets of me and got down of bed walking near windows my legs are little wobbly

I went near window and saw abhi seating on chair with mayank abhi seems crying and mayank unfazed i anger was slowly rising

I took my steps towards door slowly as i am really tired and weak i opened the door and i saw ishan there he wads about to open the door but i did before him

Ishan quickly pulled me in a hug he seemed tensed and worried he broke and kissed my forehead and cheeks he also have teary eyes

Ishan : why are you out of your bed baby you shouldnt be

Shubman : why?

Ishan : baby you are having fever and its not good sign in pregnancy moreover male pregnancy are complicated and--

He really was scared and his hands were shaking too so i cut him from his rants my placing my lips on his

We kissed slow with love and assurance he placed him hand on my waist pulling me closer to himself

After few minutes we broke kiss i just cant believe i have this much effect on this man who say he dosnt like serious relations wow i am proud of myself

Shubman : hey hey i am ok hmm dont panic love fever are normal in pregnancy so calm down come sit

I pulled him inside and made him sit i was about to get water from night stand he pulled me and made me sit on his laps while he was hugging me tightly

I hugged him back creasing his back calming him down i really effect him alot i never wanted him to be this weak for me or because of me

I looked towards door which we didnt closed i saw a man standing there with folded arms .......wait i know him he is the.....OMG MAFIA RAJ KISHAN

i gulped and tapped ishan he looked at me and i pointed at raj he looked at the direction i pointed and got excited   he kept me aside softly and ran towards his brother and hugged him

I smiled ishan missed his brother very much finally they met but my smile vanished when i saw raj sir glaring at me i got nervous

Then i remembered abhi i quickly got up but almost lost my footing i quickly held bed i didnt wanted ishan to worry more

I went near door and they broke hug

Shubman : ishan i will go meet abhi he seemed crying few minutes ago

Ishan : ok but eat your breakfast on time ok

I nodded and left quickly cause i think raj sir dosnt like me even a bit i went backside or lawn and saw abhi sitting all alone

I went towards him and pulled chair beside him and sat he looked at me with teary eyes and hugged me i hugged back

Abhi : yesterday mayank called me whore and said me and neha have with benefits relation i let that pass but today when i confessed him he said he dont date whores ...what i did shub? I dont have such relation with her she is ex thats it

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