The project

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An awkward period of time hit them both as they arrived in Lilli's room.
Lilli looked at him as he looked at his phone.
How did he look so beautiful doing such simple things.
His hair was perfect he probably takes good care of it.
Clothes looked perfect today a grey hoodie with his white shirt poking out and baggy blue-gray jeans.
Lilli pulled out her phone and texted her girlies.
Guys! HE'S SO PRETTY!and he smells nice😚"

Friend 2:

Childhood Friend 3:


Childhood Friend 2:


Friend 3:
Damn you're obsessed 💀.smelling him?that's weird"

You're weird"

Childhood friend 1:
I'm obsessed with alk too"

Childhood friend 2:
Shut up you bi-
Lilli turned off her phone knowing her friends are staring at her fight.
Only to find Nick already looking at her and then shyly looking away. for the project", he said while playing with his hands.
Lilli listened to every word he said as she felt her heart pounding.
How is he so good looking...?
Nick on the other hand was kind of embarrassed being caught looking at her.
The only thing they both didn't know was they were both chatting with their friends at the same time about eachother.
In the middle of the project
Lilli's mom came into her room.
Do you two want some chocolate and apple slices?" she asked as she held some chocolate and apple slices on a plastic plate smiling nicely.
Lilli looked at Nick.
He nodded and as he received the plate he thanked Lilli's mom „thank you", he said with a nice smile.
Lilli's mom looked at Lilli and jokingly said :"so this is the boy that you think looks goo-„.
Lilli interrupted her mom really fast as she felt her face burning up with embarrassment.
UHM...I think we need to work mom!" she said humiliated as her mom walked out of the room laughing.
Nick was sitting there smilling.
She thinks I look good?" he thought to himself while scratching himself behind his head while looking flustered at the floor then back up at her again.
Lilli felt embarrassed and an awkward silence began to rise again but Lilli just continued working and ignoring the fact that her mom just exposed her.
She was a tad bit angry that her mom just said that out loud , while Nick was kind of happy he himself wondered why.
Does he like her?
He didn't know now.
After some time the stay has to end and Nick needed to go home.
They both waved goodbye to eachother as Nick drove away with his mom's car.
Then suddenly Lilli's mom came behind her and Lilli turned around looking at her a bit angry :"mom please don't say that again and in front of him!".
Of course of course" she said laughing feeling happy her daughter feel in love again and not with some 2d character called Gojo.
Nicks POV

He was lying in bed and thinking about Lilli.
His thoughts began to spiral.
Do I like her?
Or do I like like her?
I mean she is beautiful" he thought to himself
Then he took out his phone triyng to get his mind to ease only to find his groupchat talking about some random girl which he wasn't interested in.
She turned his phone off again and was laying there.
Alone with his thoughts spiralling.
Lilli's POV

The same thing was happening in Lilli's groupchat all her friends were talking about a boy or rather talking bad about him.
Lilli wasn't interested anyways and began watching a show on Netflix but she couldn't stop thinking about Nick.
She couldn't believe he was here an hours ago.
He was actually here.
She wondered how long it took for him to get ready.
Or did he naturally look this handsome?
Her thoughts began to spiral.

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