Covert Expedition - Chapter 50

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Zach and Ruby'ck finally reached the campsite after a lengthy journey, their steps heavy with fatigue and worry. As they approached, they found Haerak, Qarek, Yzavynne, and Leeani gathered around the warmth of the campfire, engaged in animated conversation.

Their voices fell silent as they noticed Zach carrying the limp forms of their comrades. Concern etched deeply on their faces, they rose from their seats, their expressions filled with apprehension.

"Captain? What's happened to Kazaks and the others?" Qarek's voice quivered with concern as he surveyed the injured.

Zach's voice was heavy with sorrow as he relayed the events that had unfolded. While Kazaks and Andhur had escaped relatively unscathed, Nert lay gravely wounded, his left arm rendered immobile.

A weighty silence hung over the group as they absorbed the grim news. In the midst of their distress, Haerak interjected with a tale of myth and legend, speaking of a mysterious necromancer rumored to dwell within the depths of the Luminary Tower.

"In our village, there's a longstanding myth about a necromancer," Haerak began, his voice carrying a weight of solemnity. "This necromancer is shrouded in tales of dark and forbidden magic, entwined with death, the realm of the undead, and the manipulation of life force. Often portrayed as practitioners of the darkest arts, it's whispered that this necromancer possesses healing abilities. They say he could draw life force from one source and channel it into another, using it to mend wounds and injuries," Haerak explained, his words tinged with a mixture of awe and apprehension.

Driven by a mix of desperation and determination, Zach wasted no time in seeking further information. "Where can we find this necromancer?" he inquired, his gaze unwavering.

"The Luminary Tower, to the East of our village," Haerak replied, his voice tinged with uncertainty and possibility.

"Woah?!" Qarek exclaimed, his eyes wide with amazement at the revelation Haerak had just shared.

Rising to his feet, Haerak offered a solution. "I can guide you to our village, Ember Wind. There, you can let your injured comrade rest while you investigate the Luminary Tower to confirm the myth. I owe you all a debt of gratitude, especially to your comrade, the grey-haired one, who aided me."

"Gargeal? Ah, that explains it," Zach nodded in understanding.

Turning to Zach, Ruby'ck sought direction. "What's our next move, Zach?"

Taking a moment to contemplate, Zach furrowed his brow in thought, considering their options carefully.

"Wait, where's Gargeal and Jiighual?" Zach suddenly realized their absence.

"I'm here," Gargeal announced, appearing with Yakub, Min, and Jiighual's unconscious forms in tow.

"What happened, Master?" Leeani inquired, concern etched on her face.

"Yeah, what went down?" Yzavynne added, echoing Leeani's curiosity as their attention shifted to Gargeal.

Gargeal recounted the encounter calmly, despite his bloodied appearance. "Not much, really. Jiighual grew tired and passed out, but he's unharmed. Yakub and Min were attempting an ambush, but we faced them head-on."

Qarek couldn't contain his admiration, laughing in awe. "You're such a badass, Master!"

As the group took in the scene of their injured comrades, Gargeal pressed for more information. "What happened to the others, Zach?"

"They were attacked by a lone warrior wielding a spear, the same one who scarred my left eye. Fortunately, I arrived in time to save them," Zach explained, his gaze meeting Gargeal's.

"That's strange," Yzavynne mused.

"It's getting more interesting," Qarek remarked.

Leeani, Ruby'ck, and Haerak remained silent, their minds grappling with the newfound information.

"Hmm, perhaps a sorcerer? No, something more. In any case, what's our next move, Zach?" Gargeal redirected the conversation, eager to move forward.

"We're heading to Ember Wind village first, then onto an expedition to the Luminary Tower. The tower lies to the East of Ember Wind," Zach explained.

"This journey may be our toughest yet, but we owe it to Nert to seek whatever help we can find. We'll face the challenges ahead together, as one."

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