"And here's the sugar on the cream, he asked me to join his team–"

"Hold on!"

"I said no and now he's pissy, that's the tea~!" Y/N raises her eyebrows at this in question, before laughing as Alastor leans back in his chair and kicks up his feet.

"You old-timey prick, I'll show you s-s-suffering!" Vox's face and voice starts to glitch as he glares at the radio demon.

"Uh oh, the TV is buffering," Alastor taunts, enjoying the sight of seeing his rival so riled up.

"I'll destroy y-yo-uuu..." Vox's power sparks around him violently, causing almost all of pentagram city to be thrown into a blackout. The eerie red light from Alastor's broadcast studio seems to be the only thing that hasn't gone out. "I'm afraid you've lost your signal."

Alastors voice turns a bit more menacing, as he begins to grow taller a more of his full demon form is revealed. "Let's begin, I'm gonna make you wish that I stayed gone, tune on in. When I'm done, your status quo will know it's race is run, oh this will be fun,"


"I'm sorry you had to see me get so worked up my dear," Alastor apologized as he and Y/N descended from the recording studio.

Y/N waved him off with a carefree grin. "It's alright, Al. Besides, it's funny to see Voxy riled up."

He turns to her, smile becoming strained. "Voxy? I wasn't aware that the two of you were acquainted."

Y/N shrugs. "Yeah, I met him and the rest of the Vee's a few years back at one of those overlord meetings," Her voice turned sour. "My dad thought it would be a good idea for me to act as an ambassador of sorts, ya know– help him keep an eye on the overlords." She looked down in thought, and Alastor could sense the wave of fury fall over her. "Of course he never bothered to read any of the reports I sent in... and he didn't notice when I stopped sending them altogether."

Alastor paused. "And yet you still went?"

She sighed. "Yeah– I actually started to enjoy them, in some weird way. It's interesting to know what's going on in hell, and sometimes you overlords aren't half bad."

He hummed in response, and the two descended the stairs into the lobby, where Charlie was eagerly explaining the hotel to Sir Pentious.

Y/N gave her an alarmed look, as the snake demon had been trying to kill them mere hours ago.

"-- and here is our maid Nifty!" Charlie introduces the snake demon. Y/N stands next to Alastor at the base of the stairs, arms crossed and a small glare set on the new visitor. "... we're about 80% sure she's harmless. And over here, we have– oh!"

Charlie turns around, looking at her sister and the radio demon. "This is Y/N, my sister and partner in crime, and this is Alastor! Our gracious facility manager." Charlie introduces the two, a slight shake to her voice as she notices the set glares the two demons have on Sir Pentious.

"You two have met our newest guest, Sir Pentious...?" She laughs nervously as her sister gives her an unimpressed look.

"Ah yes, you're the one who ruined my coat!" Alastor acknowledges in a condescending tone before his voice shifts, heavy radio static accompanying it, "I definitely remember you now,"

Y/N smirks. "Yes, I do seem to recall the high pitched scream you let out as Al flung you to the other side of the pentagram." She comments cheekily, putting a hand on her hip.

Sir Pentious gulped, quivering slightly under the gazes of two of the most powerful demons in hell.

"Well, I guess this is a great time for your first lesson– how to apologize!" Charlie pipes. "The first step to being a better person is to admit when you are wrong! Why don't you give it a try?" Charlie pushes Sir Pentious towards Alastor while Y/N shifts over to her sister. "You sure about this?" She asked, concern laced in her voice. Charlie simply nods enthusiastically and the two turn their attention back to the demons in front of them.

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