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Maeve "Mae" Ryker


25 born 14th of April 4009

Maeve is tall with an average build with light brown skin, she has a cold-hearted feel about her to those she doesn't know or who she call friends/family, she has a narrow chin with Heterochromia (one green and one yellow eyes) she has long, dark and curly brown hair, she has large clawed hands and toned spotted arms, her legs are also spotted with a dark tone from her feet to bellow her knee. maeve is loving but is cynical, circumstantial (when rules get in the way) unimaginative and socially inept.

She is an

atheist (she doesn't believe in any gods) and an Idealist

Her quotes

"everyone is equal" "we are tough, we are ambitious, and we all know exactly what we all want""Violence is not an answer but it is a question and the answer is yes""Move b**ch""i swing both ways violently with a sword"


Maeve was born into a world where humans have colonized other planets. She never knew her birthplace as she was orphaned at a young age and raised in an orphanage on a distant planet. Growing up, she learned to be tough and independent, not trusting anyone easily. As she reached her teenage years, she found solace in books and developed a love for history and philosophy. This led her to become an atheist and an idealist, believing that everyone should be treated equally regardless of religion or beliefs.Despite her tough exterior, Maeve secretly yearns for love and acceptance. However, her cynical nature and social ineptitude make it hard for her to form close relationships. She often uses her sarcastic remarks and humor as a defense mechanism, but deep down, she just wants to belong somewhere.In her early twenties, Maeve discovered her skill in combat and became fascinated with swords. She trained hard and became a master swordsman, able to swing both ways with ease. But even with her love for violence, she knows that it is not the answer to everything.Now, at the age of 25, Maeve is a fierce and independent woman, always ready to face any challenge that comes her way. She may come off as cold and unapproachable, but those who take the time to get to know her will discover a loyal and loving friend.

 She may come off as cold and unapproachable, but those who take the time to get to know her will discover a loyal and loving friend

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Farrah "Fay" Evergreen

Sex/Gender: Female / Female.

Age: 15 - Born 1st of April.

Appearance: Standing 5' 6" tall with fern green skin, she has an innocent feel about her. She has thoughtful, round doe like eyes which are hazel, a lean face, a narrow jaw and long pointed ears. She has short, wavy, sandy brown hair. She has thin arms, long feet, slanted shoulders, toned legs, and a short neck.

Personality: Respectful, self-sufficient, sympathetic and is happy-go-lucky.

Marital status: Single (Bisexual)

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