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                                                                                  Bre's POV

"Bre" my floor manager for the past few years said to break me from my daze, "the new CEO wants to talk to you." This is great, after learning that our now previous CEO was fired because he was apparently drinking on the job, I've had a pretty rough day. There have been a flood of calls asking about the business and asking if we were going to close down or not.

The new CEO is Jacob Freeman, he is a former CEO at some big shot company in Texas. But here in California, we have heard all about the drama when it comes to Jacob. He apparently had a bunch of allegations against him from his employees. I wouldn't touch that man with a ten foot poll.

Walking into his office made me feel uneasy, even if all the charges were dropped, and the "victims" admitted they were lying, it is still unsettling what was said about this man. Who knows what he is actually capable of.

"Breana Colt", Jacob Freeman said from across his desk on the 20th floor of the business building, "I am promoting you to my personal assistant."

What. The. Fuck. This was not what I was expecting. For one Jacob Freeman is a lot better looking in person than he is on television. Secondly, he is promoting me into an assistance job that pays $20 more an hour than my current receptionist job.

"Mr. Freeman,  I really appreciate this offer, but wouldn't you like someone that is more qualified?" I mean, I know that I have a degree in business, but I don't have any experience in the field, this receptionist job is the closest thing that I have.

Jacobs POV

Breana cannot be serious. She is the most intelligent person in this building, along with multiple degrees in business, even though she only talks about the one. With these degrees she should not be just a receptionist, she should be running this business.

"I am plenty sure of my decision Ms. Colt, and you start right now." In that moment, I was thinking of everything that was not professional, like how her perfectly round lips would feel on my body, or how her thick thighs would feel wrapped around my body.

"Mr. Freeman, thank you for this. What can I do?" Shit. I actually haven't thought this far. "You can start by moving all of your stuff to your new desk in the room next to mine." That was unplanned, but at least I can keep an eye on her.

I am glad that I promoted Breana, not only for her potential, but because her beauty is like no other. She is hefty built, but absolutely owns it. She is a introverted extrovert, but knows what she wants.

Maybe I made a very unprofessional choice, but not because she's not worthy, but because I don't know how long I will be able to hold off on my attraction I have for her.

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