The past⬅️

167 8 2

2 weeks later

Keh pov

Me and Megan are at work and are about to get off in about 30 minutes

Keh- "are you hungry?"

Meg- "a little"

Keh- "don't lie"

Meg-" I'm not" ima let her have it but I know she hungry

Keh-" you know school starts in about a month"

Meg-"yeah, I'm not ready"

Keh-"me either, I just wanna spend time with you"

Meg- "stop you already know we got in touble"

Keh- "what did I do and I'm not even touching you"

Meg-" you not but you making me wanna touch you"

Keh- "then come touch me" I said leaning back on the counter

Meg- "stop, you tryna get us in trouble"

Keh- "I'll chill but wait till we clock out"

5 minutes later

??- "excuse me?" A boy about 5'10, brown skin with curly hair said to Megan

Meg-"how can I help you?"

??- "I was wondering if I could get your number"

Meg-"nope" Megan said popping the p

??-"damn it's like that" This nigga bout to piss me off cus why you can't just get rejected and move on

Meg-"it's not like nothing" Megan said looking at him with a straight face

??- "you got a man or something?" Niggas can never take rejection

Keh- "nah she got a girl"

??- "she ain't say that" but if I swing on him I'd be wrong

Meg-"I got a girl" what's funny is he thought she wasn't gon say it

Keh-"now go have some fun and jump nigga" Megan was tying not to laugh. He walked and I was lowkey a little irritated. I know people gon try to talk her it's just I don't get why he didn't get her saying no. We got off from work and yk I had to be petty asl. I walked right behind Megan holding her by the waist, she turned around grabbed my face pulling me into a kiss. I stuck up my middle finger at the boy, already seeing he was watching. Megan pulled away and she laughed a little

Megan-"come on" she said turning back around, we made it to the car and open the door for her. I went and got in the driver seat

Keh-"so what you want to eat?"

Meg-"umm chick-fil-a"


Megan pov

Me and lani took a shower after we ate and I lowkey wanna ask her something

Meg- "baby"

Keh-"what's up"

Meg- "Don't take this wrong but you ever been a hoe?"

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