Arrested and Taken - Tommy Shelby x m!Y/n

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Warnings: Talk about kidnapping/beating, LGBTQ+ themes (Y/n is a dude in this)

Keys: Y/n - Your Name

Words: 666

Sad and fluffy :]


Y/n and Tommy have been together for a year now. Tommy has always refused to let Y/n join the family business, out of fear he'd be hurt.

Tommy has received news that Y/n had been arrested and taken by the enemy. Y/n was the sweetest and most innocent of all the Shelby's, and now the enemies men have him.

Weeks later, the Peaky Blinders enter an abandoned building. They find Y/n beaten and tied to a chair. Tommy is quick to approach.

Y/n is unable to see due to their injuries, but he manages to whine for Tommy as he longed to be back in the Blinder's comforting embrace. Tommy comes within arms reach of Y/n,
"My love.." He whispers, kneeling down in front of the beaten and abused boy. He can't help but feel guilt. He should've protected him.

Tommy reaches out and strokes Y/n's face. "I'm here. I'm here." Y/n leans forward, pressing his head into Tommy's hands
"Are you okay..?" Tommy whispers. "I can't see that well..." Y/n whispers, letting out yet another whine. It was obvious that Y/n was in some sort of pain from the injuries they had induced.

Tommy pulls Y/n's head closer to him. He checks his vision, and the damage is obvious.. "Let me see.." He mutters as he pulls out his handkerchief from his pocket and cleans blood from Y/n's eyes. He is horrified at what he sees and immediately feels guilty for letting people do this to his lover. Tommy was CERTAIN he was never going to let this happen again. As Tommy finishes wiping Y/n's face, Y/n lets out a few mumbles and noises that are both comforted and mournful.

Tommy leans forward, pulling Y/n's head close to his chest. "Everything's okay. I'm right here. You're not gonna be touched ever again." Y/n presses his head into Thomas' chest, finding comfort in his warmth. "O- Ok..." Y/n replied shakily. He had gone through so much in those weeks of imprisonment. Tommy presses his body to Y/n's, trying to let him know he is safe. Tommy feels bad for letting people harm his innocent lover. He wanted to protect Y/n, and he failed. Y/n finds himself wrapped in Tommy's embrace, finding great comfort and warmth within it.

Within seconds, Y/n was asleep peacefully locked within Tommy's tender embrace. Tommy looks down at the beaten and abused boy in his arms, covered in dried blood and bruises. He gently picks him up, knowing Y/n needed rest. He carries him out of the building to a waiting car, laying him down on the backseat and covering him with a blanket. He sits next to him, fighting back tears and cursing himself for letting people harm the innocent boy he loves.

As Y/n sleeps, he gently takes a grasp of Tommy's much larger hand and begins to lightly suck on Tommy's thumb, like a child looking for comfort. An odd feeling washes over Tommy. In that moment, Y/n looked even more vulnerable than he did when Tommy found him, an odd need to protect his delicate lover coursed through his veins.


Back at the manor

Tommy carries Y/n inside the manor and lays him down in their shared bedroom, covering him with more blankets so he stays warm and safe. Tommy lays beside Y/n, taking his little lover into his warm arms again. Y/n's little sleeping form reacts to this by snuggling himself closer.

Tommy feels protective of the boy and wants to give him the affection Y/n so desperately needs.
"Mm.. you're my little baby, eh.. my precious, beautiful Y/n." He murmurs, rubbing Y/n's head gently as he looks down at him.

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