Chapter 11

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Reneé's POV

I was overjoyed with how the night was going. Jordan seemed to love my friends and they wouldn't shut up about how much they love her. It filled me with so much happiness having my worlds harmoniously collide.

The music and booze was flowing through me. Eventually, I made my way over to Jordan and snaked my arms around her waist. I felt her relax into my hold as we sensually danced against each other, it was electric.

Her back was to my front and it could be the dancing, the alcohol, or the shared moments we've already had but I knew I might die if I didn't kiss her.

Suddenly Jordan pulled away and went to the bar to get another drink. Boo, what the fuck? Is she teasing me or something?

A few minutes later I turned back around and saw Jordan talking to the beautiful brunette bartender. I felt anger boil through my body.

"Calm down Reneé" I heard Alexander say

"Calm down? I'm not angry, I'm calm, why would I be mad?!?!?" I basically yelled back with poison lacing my words

Alexander widened his eyes at me with an arched eyebrow "jesus chill, go get your girl, you're about to blow up"

"She's not my girl"

"But you want her to be" Alexander remarked as he walked away from my and returned to dancing

He's not wrong, but I have no reason to be jealous, she's just talking to the bartender, no big deal I tried to convince myself.

That was until I saw the bartender write down a phone number on Jordan's hand. Then I snapped.

I stormed over and grabbed Jordan's hand and dragged her to the other side of the room. I lightly pushed her back against the wall.

"What're you doing?" Jordan slurred a little bit, drunk and taken by surprise

"What the fuck was that?" I snarled, pointing my thumb behind me towards the bar

Realization washed over Jordan's features, "ohhhh, are you jealous Reneé?"

"Psh, no!" I responded embarrassed

"Oh really? So that's why you ripped me away from that hot bartender who had just given me her phone number" Jordan held her hand out with the writing on it

"Fuck this. Yes I'm jealous, I thought we were... I don't know, doing something" I responded exacerbated and hurt by Jordan calling the bartender hot

Jordan smirked, "I thought we were too, but you didn't make a move so I knew I had to draw you out somehow" she pulled me a bit closer

"You purposely made me jealous??"

Jordan just nodded, still smirking at me

I looked down at her plump lips "that was mean - bitchy move, but I still can't stop thinking about kissing you" I stepped even closer to her so our bodies were flush against each other "can I kiss you?" I asked

Jordan's breath hitched as she stared into my eyes, gaze moving down to my lips.

"Can I?" I repeated impatiently


She barely got the word out before I grabbed the back of her neck and closed the gap between us. Even though we were drunk and needy, the kiss was tender and exploratory rather than rushed. My entire body immediately warmed up and the rest of the bar fell away as we kissed.

She moved one hand to my waist and the other to the back of my head, pulling me closer. She let out a small moan as I pressed my body further into hers which allowed me to use my tongue to explore her mouth.

Her fingers moved down slightly on my waist, landing between my jacket and skirt, dancing around the skin there. It was my turn to let out a low whimper.

We pulled away breathing heavily at the same time, starting at each other. Jordan's eyes were impossibly darker than they were a few minutes ago.

"Thank god, the tension in this bar was getting suffocating. But get a room girls, geez" Thomas said as he walked past us

We burst into laughter at this. It also brought me back to reality, we're in public. Huge bummer.

I grabbed Jordan's hand and led her to the bathroom. Snatching her hand, I scrubbed the phone number off her palm then dragged her back out to the dance floor; Jordan and I both danced together more freely now, full of lingering burning touches.

Soon after, the bar was closing down. Without any words needing to be spoken, I ordered the Uber for me and Jordan.

On the way out of the bar, I stumbled down the last stair and absolutely ate shit. Of course, just my luck, the paparazzi were there. They managed to get a picture of every instant on my way down to the ground.

Thank god I was drunk else that wouldn't hurt so bad. I got a scratch on my knee and ripped my tights, but things could be worse.

My friends scrambled to help me up and couldn't help but immediately start making fun of me. Except for Jordan.

"Oh my god sweetie are you ok???" she rushed over to me concerned

"I'm totally fine" she didn't look convinced, I lowered my head to look into her eyes at the same level "seriously, just a little tumble, it's alright"

She begrudgingly nodded and helped me into the Uber.

"A little fall isn't going to stop me" I said into her ear lowly as I placed my hand on her upper thigh

Jordan let out a little gasp and looked at me with excitement and surprise swimming around her eyes.

The Uber drive felt like fucking forever.

The moment we walked inside my house, Jordan pressed me against the door and started attacking my mouth. God kissing her was amazing.

Our tongues battled while I blindly walked us over to the couch. Laying down on top of her, I started kissing down her neck while I pushed my knee in between her legs.

Jordan let out a louder moan and that snapped me back to reality.

"Damnit" I sat up abruptly.

"What? Did I do something wrong?" Jordan sat up too and asked hurriedly

"No, no, no, sorry baby" I urgently responded "I just- I just don't want us to do this for the first time when we're drunk"

She flopped back down on the couch and groaned "ughhhh, I hate that you're right. I am really drunk"

"Let's just go to bed, I can't be awake in your presence any longer tonight without mauling you" I half-joked half-admitted.

We laid in bed holding each other cautiously so that our hands don't start roaming. It helped that the mood was light, we were joking back and forth about how many times we wanted to kiss the other

Our laughter simmered down and I was just staring at Jordan's face, trying to memorize every inch of it.

"I can't believe I only met you earlier this week" I remarked "People aren't joking when they say gay people move faster in relationships" I laughed

Jordan didn't laugh though, she almost had a look of terror on her face.

"I.. uh... I need to go to the bathroom" she stammered out quickly.

She practically ran to the bathroom. What just happened? Did I do something??

Jordan's POV

Shutting the door behind me I started pacing around the bathroom, heart beating ridiculously fast.

Reneé just said relationship. Fuck. What am I doing? I can't be in a relationship.

I can't do that again. Not even for Reneé. But I also can't just be friends with her, we tried that and failed after just a few days.

Damnit. I can't breathe. I need out.

I quietly opened the bathroom door and snuck downstairs still trying to catch my breath. I ordered an Uber back to my apartment; the air mattress would have to do. 

Crashing You Open \\ Reneé RappWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt