Chapter 6

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Jordan's POV

We walked into Reneé's place and my jaw dropped. It was so perfectly decorated. Her living room extended into an area with a slick, white piano and the walls were plastered in vinyl covers.

"Wow" I remarked in awe "your house is amazing"

I could've sworn Reneé blushed before saying "thank you, I'm actually really proud of it. I love this house, especially my piano room - I spend a lot of time in there. Inspiration hits when you least expect it"

"Do you think you could play me something" I asked nervously "I'm assuming it's your song, but I would love to hear that Snow Angel song you accidently played in the car."

Reneé thought for a minute, and I was holding my breathe. "Sure" she said slowly "it's still a work in progress, but it'll be a part of the album I'm working on"

I was honestly shocked she agreed. I know music is really personal so playing something, especially a song that hasn't been fine-tuned, surprised me.

I can't believe she trusts me enough to play it on our first date- I mean- our first friendly hangout.

I sat down on the ground next to the piano as she started playing the keys.

First to arrive, last to leave
What's misery without company?
It's hard to laugh when it's hard to breathe
It's white outside but red underneath

Feel the tip of my nose
It's burning but it's ice cold

Wow, until right now I forgot I was actually with Reneé Rapp and not just Reneé. She truly has the voice of our generation. Her voice and lyrics brought me into a completely different dimension. I leaned my head against the side of the piano and shut my eyes.

I'll make it through the winter if it kills me
I can make it faster if I hurry
I'll angel in the snow until I'm worthy
But if it kills me I tried
If it kills me

She played a few more notes before Reneé quickly said "that's all I have so far and I know I need to make a lot of changes and improvements and it isn't –"

"That was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard"

I finally opened my eyes and realized I was tearing up.

I mean can you blame me? Reneé has the most pure, raw emotion in her voice when she sings. I wish there was a way to describe how incredibly talented she is, but there aren't words in the dictionary to quite reach her level.

I blinked the tears away, stood up, and hugged Reneé.

"Don't change a single thing. I can't wait for you to finish the song, I'm speechless at the way you just brought those lyrics to life. It- The- You- Just wow, breathtaking" I spoke with my face still in her shoulder as I was trying to relay my appreciation in a hug.

As I released her, I realized how close our faces were. We were both staring at each other for what felt like hours but must have been a few seconds. Suddenly we both took a big step back.

She doesn't want you, she made it very clear at the bar and now, we're just friends I told myself.

After a beat of awkward silence, Reneé grinned and just said "thanks for your feedback, you're too sweet" she gave me a shy smile "I'm tired though, let's go to sleep".

"Sounds good, me too. Thanks for giving me your couch for the night" I responded

"You're not sleeping on the couch Jordan, you've had a long day and deserve a bed, it's a King size, we won't be short on space" she said as she bit her lip.

"O-Ok" I stumbled over my words feeling heat rush to my cheeks.

Damn, she definitely noticed that. Reneé just smirked and told me to follow her.

After we both changed into more comfortable clothes, we jumped under the covers and things were back to normal.

We continued to talk for awhile until I turned towards Reneé and realized she had fallen asleep. I brushed my hand against her cheek and mumbled "god how is this woman getting to me so easily" before letting sleep overtake me.

Reneé's POV

Oh my god. I was just enjoying the sound of her voice, but she definitely thinks I'm asleep.

I'm getting to her. She's totally into me

I mean that's a huge relief, but what if she doesn't mean it in the way I think? Maybe she's just ashamed because she has a girlfriend? Or worse... a boyfriend, ew.

I pushed my thoughts aside because I can't do anything about it right now anyways.

Author's Note:

Thank you guys so much for reading, this is so much fun :) 

Let me know if you have any feedback - always welcome to constructive criticism!!!

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