Professor draco malfoy

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Aurora grey (1st pov)

My friends and I kept talking until we heard Hagrid speak.
8th Year students didn't need to wear their robes unless there was some special occasion.

As I was on my way to enter the great hall, I bumped into someone. "Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't watch where I was going!" I said and gave him an apologetic look.
As I looked up I saw a man with his hands in his pockets, icy blue eyes, platinum blonde fluffy hair and sharp jaws.

I couldn't make out how his face looked and then he stood up clearly. Malfoy, it was Draco Malfoy
"Pathetic. Next time watch where you're going miss...?" He said, smirking, he knew whom I was.
"Grey, Aurora Grey. But you already know me, we've met." I said, which made him smirk for some reason.

"Ah, I see. So you're the famous Aurora, Minerva was talking about. I've met you before haven't I? You've grown. " I was about to ask him why the head mistress was talking about but he just turned around and walked away.

Why did he pretend like he didn't know me? We always used to talk, despite the fact that I was scared of him, he used to converse with me.

I went to sit at my table when I saw Carmen, whom always sat at the slytherin table despite being a Ravenclaw. She almost got the wrong schedule by our professor.
We were talking about our NEWTs preparations and our plans for this year when the sorting ceremony took place.

After the sorting ceremony, Headmistress Mcgonagall gave her speech and what she said next shocked me. "As some of you may know, our beloved Professor Slughorn recently retired so we hired a new teacher, everyone please welcome Professor Malfoy" that's when I saw him get up, the man I bumped into earlier, the ex-deather, the most eligible bachelor, Great, just great. "Bloody hell" I muttered. As he got up the crowd broke into whispers and claps.

Carmen nudged my elbow "Isn't he so hot, too bad I like girls" she giggled while dragging out the 'hot'. "No, he isn't, he may be attractive but that isn't going to change the fact that he was a deatheater and a rude person" I said.

As my eyes turned infront, to where the professors were sitting noticed his eyes were on me, he smirked. I went heat rising up my cheeks.

I went back to talking to Carmen when Theo appeared and said "I told you so. Anyways, Friday night, party in the slytherin common room. I've snuck in fire whiskey and giggle water" with a sly grin, and we all went back to talking.

This year will definitely be something different.

A/N ==>> the first few chapter migh- will be a bit short because I have no idea what I'm doing, lol.

Word count- 457

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