Chapter 4: the melody in the alley

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"Oh my, we're home! Finally!". "I thought I would never see this place ever again".  "Soo, wanna tell me what happened in that book I got for you?". "Nope, not at all". I then went to the back yard and sat underneath a cherry tree and began to reread the book that Sebastain lost my page to.
Sebastian walked outside over to me. "Hey Fia since I barely know much about you, well other than the fact that you like books and that you're a half demon, when is your birthday and just how old are you?". "Oh my birthday is on June 26th and I'm 26 as well".. "Wait but you look younger than 26...". "Well that's because us demons don't age after they turn 16-19".
"Oh that makes sense". "Yeah well I'm going to be reading for a while so please kindly leave me alone". "Yeah yeah whatever". After a while I finally got to the page I left off on and stopped there. "Hey Sebastain I'm going to be heading out now".
"Ok but where?". "I'll just walk around". "Uh ok just be careful". "I will!". I then got up and began to walk out of the backyard and onto the sidewalk and began walking around till I got to town.
As I was walking around town I heard a strange melody coming from was hard to pinpoint the location of the melody. Where was it coming from? As I continued walking down town the melody got louder and clearer to hear, this lovely melody wes a music box? The sound was so clear I could tell what direction it was coming from. The closer I got the more I heard it, it was coming from the left but what was on the left was an alleyway.
I decided to ignore it since no one else noticed it. Since I had decided to ignore such a sound I went into a nearby antique store hoping I wouldn't hear it there. When I got inside the melody of the music box was faint but the place was oddly dark. Although it was dark there were many nice things there like porcelain dolls for example and many more like grandfather clocks, music boxes, teapots, and jewelry and dresses. "Hello, welcome to my antique shop, anything here that you like?". "Well yes there is, many things of course!". I smiled and picked up a few porcelain dolls and a music box. "Oh be careful with those".
"I know". I then sat them on the front desk. "These will be free since this is your new here and you seem like you will take good care of them". "Oh thank you, do you have any clue on what creates that melody down the alley right by your store?". "Oh uh, I have no clue I never decided to check it out myself".
It was obvious that she knew something about it but I decided to not question her about it further. "Oh ok then well I'll take these now".  I began picking the stuff up but then the lady stopped me. "Here carry them in this bag, and if you plan on going down that alley just be careful, I mean who knows what's down there". "Oh ok thank you". 
"No problem". I then left carrying everything in the bag and once I got out the door of the store I turned towards the alley. I felt as if I had no choice but to check out what that music box music was coming from. The next thing I knew I was walking into the alleyway as if I was hypnotized by the music. The further I went through the alley the louder the music got and I saw two figures in the shadow, they looked as if they were about 8ft tall, probably taller than that though.
"Hello is anyone there?". That was a dumb question for me to ask but oh well I guess. They then turned towards me. I began to see them clearly...they both had long black hair, one had it in a half up-half down style but the other had their hair down with a bow in it, another thing I noticed was that the one with the bow wore some kind of traditional kimono and was really pale, the other wore a suit. That's all I noticed since it was still dark so I got a bit closer and that's when I noticed that the one with the bow was holding a music box and they both had nothing but eyes all over their faces, no mouth or nose, just eyes and there were about 100 eyes all over them.
I was honestly freaked out for a few seconds but I calmed down since I knew that I've seen worse. "Just who are you?". "W-who a-are w-we?". It sounds as if the one with the bow had never spoken before. "Yeah who are you?".
"Im Trixie and my sister is Biatris, she's the one with the bow". "Ah ok thanks, so uhh". "If you're wondering, you're not the only one who can see us". "Oh thanks for answering a question I wasn't even able to ask so whats with the music box?". "Oh that's how we lure in people", 
"Why do you lure them in?". " should know our story, we steal money".  Trixie frowned. "Every person who has been able to see us either got scared to death or just simply ran away". "Oh..well if it makes you happy I will willingly take you in and you two can stay with me at my home".
"Wait really?". "Yeah". They both smiled and hugged me. "Thank you thank you!". " problem".
We then left the alley and began walking back to Sebastains house. "So how far is your house?". "It's not that far''. "Really?". "Yeah".
I continued walking till we arrived at his house. I then walked up to the front door and knocked. "Sebastian, I'm home".  After I said that I heard the sound of Sebastain rushing towards the door. After a while he finally opened the door.
"Welcome home Fia". "yeah it's nice to see you hun". "Hun?". "Yeah is there a problem?". "".
"Good". I then kissed him on the cheek as a joke and walked into the house. I watched as his face grew red. "So uh can you show me where my room is?". It's kinda adorable when he gets flustered.
"Y-yeah sure". He then led me to an empty room. "This is the room you will be staying in". It was the same room that he had taken me when we first met. "Thank you".
I then began to put the porcelain dolls on the dresser and the music box was placed on the nightstand beside the bed. The twins walked in. "oh wow your room is so pretty do realize that those things are haunted?". "Yep!". I smiled.
"W-wait so you got those items from the antique store knowing that they were haunted items? Why?".  "Well it's obvious, these guys needed a proper home so I gave them one just like I did for you".  "Oh". I then began to dust off the small bookshelf that was in "my" room. "Feel free to roam around the house and explore but I have a job for you".
"What's that?". "Protect the house ok?". "Ok we will". "Thank you". "Yeah no problem".
They smiled. "Hey, is it ok if I put your music box on my bookshelf?". "Yeah sure".  I then put the music box on the shelf. After I placed the music box on the shelf I grabbed a book and hopped onto my bed and began reading.
"What's that you're reading". "I'm reading one of my favorite books of poems". "Oh, ok". After a while I closed the book and laid it down on the bed and went to sleep. It was morning, the sun was shining and the birds were singing, I woke up and got out of bed, Biatris was staring at me.
"What are you doing?". "Oh I'm just going to get some food". "Oh ok". I then left my room and went to the kitchen, there were some blueberry muffins on the counter with a note? The note said, "I'll be gone for a bit, here's some muffins for breakfast, I thought you would be hungry so enjoy".
It was kinda cute to be honest. I then grabbed the muffins and sat down at the table. I then heard footsteps coming towards me. "Fia, what's that?". "It's a muffin, have you never had one before Trixie?".
"No..". "Oh then have a piece". I then ripped off a piece of the muffin and handed it to her. The next thing I knew the muffin disappeared out of thin air. "H-how?". "Oh that's just how we eat things".
"Oh ok then, but just what are you?". "We are creatures that are called Todaminki". "Oh I heard of the myths but I never thought that they are true". "Well you never know". She giggled.
"So...uhm, what are you doing here?". "Oh that's because we went searching for you". "Oh?". I was confused. "Well..why don't you go and sit in my room for a bit". "Oh ok".
The front door then opened. "I'm home". "Hey Sebastian, can we travel to Japan?". "Why ask?". "Well sure I guess...though It will be a long trip".
"Oh ok that's fine". "Ok then we'll travel by boat". "Ok well I'm going to open the library for the day. Can you do me a favor and pack our stuff?". "Sure".  I then left the house and decided to drive instead of walking this time.
Once I arrived I unlocked the door and flipped over the sign saying we're open. I then sat at the front desk waiting for people to enter. After a while the first person walked in. "Welcome to the Fantasy Library!". "Thank You dear".
The first person was an elderly lady, she was really nice. "Uhm ma'am do you have some  fairy tale stories for  my grandchildren?". "Yes, just go over to the section that looks like you have entered a world of halloween, and if you want some funny stories go to the section that looks as if you have entered a circus". "Thank you". She then went around and found a few books and brought them to me.
"I would like to check these out". "Uh ok just write your name down on this check out sheet on the back of this book". She wrote her name, it read "Dorothy" on it. "What a lovely name Dorothy". "Thank you".
I then grabbed the stamp and stamped the return date beside her name. "Here you go have a wonderful day, enjoy". "Thank you". She then left. At first business was slow but then soon more people started entering.
Soon it got dark and I went back home. Once I arrived at the house I knocked on the door. "Coming!". The sound of someone running towards the door could be heard. The door then opened. "Hi hun I'm home".
"Welcome home Fia". I then walked into the house. As I walked in Sebastian grabbed my arm, stopping me from going in. "What was up with you yesterday when you got home?". "What do you mean? Are you talking about the-".
"Yes, I'm talking about that kiss from yesterday". "Ok well what about it?". "You must have had a reason so tell me why?". "Not really, I just wanted your reaction".   "Fia you can't do things like that".
"I...cant?". "No". "why?". "Because that would be messing around with someone's feelings". "How would that be playing with someone's feelings?".
"You may never know, you could just accidentally mess with the wrong person and find out that they liked you but you don't and after you did what you did yesterday for example, you would have to decline and that's just well...mean". "Oh.. I think I see what you are getting at". "Good". "So does that mean that you like me?, I mean since you brought up this topic". "I-no why would you think that".
He nervously  laughed.
"Well because you're the one who brought this up and because of the way you're reacting". "No I was just saying just to make sure you understand". "Ok sure". He then let go of my arm and I went into the house to find dinner sitting on the table.
"Oh you already made dinner? it's a bit early". "Well I said we were going to travel by boat but I never said when we were going to leave". "Oh!". Soon after we were done eating we immediately grabbed our things and headed out the door and went to the place where he docked his boat. Once we got onto the boat I realized that it was bigger than expected.
We then put our belongings onto the boat and got ourselves situated. After we had done so we began to leave, I sat up front with him. It was kinda funny how he didnt notice Biatris and  Trixie standing behind him. After 43 days we finally arrived in Yokohama Japan. "Hey wake up".
"Huh?". "We have arrived".  "We have?". I had just fully woken up.  I then got up and looked out the window.
"Oh wow we really have arrived". I smiled as I quickly got off the boat onto the dock. "Hey wait up". Sebastian followed behind as his butler carried our things. I then stopped and waited for him.
"I didn't notice that he came here with us". "You mean my butler Ciel?". "Yeah". "He's been here  during the whole trip". "Oh".
"Well we should go find a place to stay while we're here". "Yeah that would be a good idea". We then began to walk around looking for a hotel. "Hey Sebastian, why don't we stop by this restaurant?". "Sure but I really don't understand or know Japanese".
"Oh? Well I guess you can call yourself lucky! I can translate for you". "Wait, you know and understand Japanese?". "There's other languages that I know that you don't know yet".  "Wow". We then walked into the restaurant.
The hostess at the front desk welcomed us with a smile. "Irasshaimase". "Arigato". I smiled. "What did they just say?".
"Oh you mean the hostess? They were welcoming us". "ohhh..ok". They then took us to an empty table. After a while the waitress came over to us. "Konnichiwa, Emides, Kyō wa anata no u~eitoresu ni narimasu. Kyō wa nani o itadakemasu ka?".
"E ̄ , ocha to issho ni apun o katte mo īdesu ka?". "tashika ni, donna ochadesu ka?". "E ̄ tto, matcha o moraemasu ka?". "Hai, sorede nani ga hoshii desu ka?". "What are you two saying?".
"I am ordering our food, she wants to know what you would like". "Uhm can I get some pork buns?". I looked up at the waitress and smiled. "Kōcha to issho ni butaman o katte moraemasu ka?". "Wakarimashita, kansei shitara o todoke shimashi".
"What did she say?". "She said that she will bring our food when it's done". "Oh ok". "So uh where did your butler go?". "Oh Ciel? He's finding us a place to stay".  "Oh well I hope things go well for him".
"Yeah well...about that..". "Huh? What are you saying?". "Ciel doesn't know much Japanese". "Oh that's not good". "Yeah well I guess we should wish him luck".
"Yeah you're right". After a while the waitress came back and handed us our food. "Tanoshimu". She then walked away. "What did she just say?".
"She was telling us to enjoy". "Oh that's really nice". "Well of course,". I smiled as I began to eat. "So what did you get Fia?".
"Got some apuns with some matcha tea". "Oh that sounds good, and what kind of tea did you get me?". "oh that's hojicha". "Oh well it tastes wonderful". 
"Good to know". After a while she came back. "Sabaku e no junbi wa dekite imasu ka, soretomo ima sugu tabemono no daikin o shiharaitaidesu ka?". "Well Sebastian, are you ready for dessert?".  "Yeah sure".

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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