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Today is October 13th 2024, it's a peaceful day in the
underground library. Well..more like my library. Oh! I forgot to introduce myself ! My name is Fia Meadows.
I have long straight rose pink hair that is worn up in a half up-half down hairstyle. I have lavender colored eyes that fade into a heather colored purple. I am 6ft,7 inches tall and I usually wear a cropped top shirt and a skirt with platform boots and I'm also half demon. Anyway, let's get back to the topic of my library. I was walking around my library putting the books away on their shelves. Jesty, my dear "friend"" who helps work, was in the middle of the library entertaining the guests. 
Jesty is a jester/clown. She's often loud but today she is actually the quiet one. On the other hand  Cassidy the library ghost was floating around trying to find a book, she usually asks for haunted ghost stories. She has the nickname Casper. My guess is that it's because she's a ghost.
Vesperia was hanging out on the second floor where the sun doesn't even light the room. It makes sense because she's a vampire. She's a common one meaning she usually comes here very often. I'm now just sitting at my desk now that I'm done putting the books away. Anyway Jestie has straight carmine colored hair with heterochromia, her right eye is red with the whites of her eye black and  her left is blue.
Cassaidy has short black hair with cobalt colored eyes and pale blue skin. Vesperia has long straight jet black hair with pale white skin and blood red colored eyes. These are just simply the descriptions of them since I forgot to. Anyway as I was sitting at my desk I saw another person walk in through the door. She has short messy jupiter green hair with midnight colored eyes and pale skin.
I believe her name is Zenda, I heard that she is a zombie. She's actually a very pretty zombie. There seemed to be another person with her. She has long indigo hair with lemon colored eyes. She has moth wings and antennas. My guess is that she's a dark moth because her moth wings are a dark purple color.
I heard a rumor of a dark moth named Martha. They came in and immediately began to look for books. Today is peaceful but boring.

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