11~I want to stay.

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"It's not my fault..." A boy would say.

"It's not my fault..." A girl would say.

"Shut up..." A boy would say.

"Please...I'm sorry..." A girl would say.

"You don't understand..." The boy would say.

"I understand." The kind man would say.

"I'm sorry...I don't want to make people sad..." The girl would say.

"Prove it." A cruel person would say.

"Kyo, how would you like to come live with me?"

"(Y/N), from now on, you're mine."


The man known as Kazuma Sohma had shown up at Shigure's house, also known as Kyo's master.

Kagura had also come to Shigures house the day before.

"What a surprise. How have you been, Kazuma?" Shigure asks.

"I've been well, thank you."

Tohru comes and sets tea down for Kazuma, although (Y/N) didn't help this time...

"Sensei, I'm glad you're back...! It's been so long." Kagura says with a sweet smile.

"It has, but you've been well it seems." He says back to her with a soft smile.

Then Yuki walks in, a soft look on his face.

"It's good to see you, sensei..." He says.

"Hello, Yuki. You've grown."

"Oh, Tohru, I forgot to introduce you. This is Kazuma Sohma, he is the family martial arts instructor. He taught Yuki, Haru, and many others. He is also Kyo's master." Shigure says.


"If you don't mind, may I call you Tohru?" He asks.

"Oh! Of course!"

"Yuki, where is our dear (Y/N)?" Shigure asks.

"She...She is here now?" Kazuma asks in surprise.

"In the garden. I told her to come in but she said she didn't want to 'intrude.'" Yuki says.

"Do you mind if I go to the garden to see her?" Kazuma asks.

"Go ahead," Shigure says.

Kazuma stands up and walks over to the garden, only to see the small girl curled up, playing with a yellow flower.

"Excuse me...(Y/N)?"

She looks up at him in surprise.

"Hello...Sensei..." The girl says. The last time he saw her was when Akito first took her from her father. He tried to get Akito to let him train her, but Akito was stubborn.

He crouches down in front of her and smiles softly.

"How are you?"

"Good...Uhm...Shouldn't you be with Kyo? He looked upset earlier..." She says quietly.

"Yes, I will go to see him in a bit, but I wanted to say hello to you as well." He says before patting her head.

"Why are you sitting out here? It's quite cold..." He says, taking note of her fiddling with the flower.

"So you can have time with everyone else...!" She says with a smile.

"But why exclude yourself? You're a Sohma." He says.

My Flower~(Momiji Sohma x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now