the hogsMeade squib

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we all know who Argus Filch is, but how did he come to be the Argus Filch we know today, I am here to tell you. so without further Ado, the childhood of Argus Filch...

A short story of our favorite (and only) caretaker of Hogwarts

Prologue draft

The Filch family was almost perfect, little Argus loved his life, he had friends, a nice family, and lived in hogsMeade, the only thing that wasn't perfect? Argus hadn't shown a single piece of accidental magic, his family had tried everything from, pushing him down the stairs, to dunking his head In Water for a long amount of time, and all through that he hadn't shown a single sign of magic.

His family was getting worried, and angry, times were bad, and were getting worse the closer it got to his eleventh birthday.

10th November 1962

Tomorrow was Argus's birthday and he could not be more worried, one by one his friends had disappeared off to Hogwarts, his siblings too, and almost all of his friends had gotten their Hogwarts letters, the ones that hadn't well. The lucky ones had been given up for adoption in a muggles orphanage, the ones that hadn't been lucky well... They were six feet under.

First chapter draft

Argus awoke on his highly anticipated birthday morning, feeling an overwhelming sense of nervousness that clung to him like a suffocating cloak. The absence of his long-awaited Hogwarts acceptance letter loomed heavily on his troubled mind. His friends, those once familiar faces, had either embarked on their magical journeys to Hogwarts or had vanished into the enigmatic abyss of mysterious fates. The mere thought of not receiving his crucial letter on this particular day filled him with an ominous dread, and involuntary shivers cascaded down his spine at the harrowing unknown consequences that might await him.

As he reluctantly emerged from the comforting embrace of his bed, Argus wearily approached the owl box, a clever invention devised by his parents to circumvent the potential messiness associated with owls in the house. A quick and anxious inspection revealed the absence of the coveted letter, intensifying the knot of anxiety coiled within him. Despite his attempts to maintain composure, he couldn't escape the apprehension that gripped him like a vice.

Dressed in an aura of apprehension, Argus descended the staircase, the creaking steps echoing the heavy burden on his shoulders. The aroma of his favorite breakfast, eggs and bacon, wafted through the air as he entered the kitchen, where his mother, with a forced smile, had prepared the meal. However, the tempting scent failed to mask the gnawing fear that persisted within him, casting a dark shadow over what should have been a celebratory meal.

Looking into his mother's forced smile, he knew she wouldn't save him from his fate, that fact was accompanied by an acute awareness of his father's steely gaze. The patriarch's eyes seemed to hold a chilling certainty, intensifying Argus's struggle to consume his meal. Every bite carried the weight of fear, a fear that clung to him like a relentless specter, foretelling ominous consequences if the anticipated letter failed to materialize. An unspoken understanding passed between mother and son, the hard smile lingering as a tacit acknowledgment of the shared burden they bore.

Having completed his uneasy repast, Argus sought solace in the open air. The day, a Sunday devoid of the usual tutor interruptions, provided an opportunity for contemplation. However, the sight of Hogwarts on the distant horizon, once a comforting beacon of magical possibilities, now served as a haunting reminder of the impending doom that awaited him if the coveted letter continued to elude his grasp.

While traversing the cobblestone streets of the quaint village of Hogsmeade, Argus beheld the imposing silhouette of Hogwarts towering above. The castle, once a revered symbol of magical enlightenment, now cast an ominous shadow that accentuated the pressure bearing down on Argus. The echoes of spells, potions, charms, and transfiguration seemed to mock him as he grappled with the ever-growing uncertainty that enveloped his existence.

Lost in the labyrinth of his tumultuous thoughts, Argus collided with an unexpected presence, a physical manifestation of his inner turmoil. "Ow!" he exclaimed, the exclamation escaping his lips as he realized he had bumped into James, his sole remaining friend who had not yet embarked on the journey to Hogwarts. "Oh, James! I'm so sorry," Argus hastily apologized, the anxiety about the elusive letter palpable in his voice.

"It's fine, Argus. I'm more worried about your letter," James responded, his concern mirroring the shared apprehension that permeated their conversation. "Oh, don't remind me," Argus replied, the weariness in his voice betraying the depth of anxiety that consumed him..

In the tranquil embrace of the afternoon, Argus finally arrived home, having spent the entirety of the morning engrossed in conversation with James. The elusive letter, momentarily forgotten, was a distant memory as he crossed the threshold of his house. However, an inexplicable tension seized the atmosphere, weaving through the air with an almost tangible weight.

With a sense of urgency, Argus ascended the stairs, navigating swiftly to his bedroom. The owl box, perched in silent anticipation, beckoned as a potential harbinger of news. Alas, as he opened it, the hollow emptiness within mirrored the void of the coveted letter. A sinking feeling in his stomach betrayed the disappointment threatening to engulf him. In an attempt to pacify the rising unease, he whispered a reassurance to himself: "It's fine. There's still evening to go." Yet, beneath the surface, the stark reality persisted-Argus Filch, a squib.

Contemplating the implications of his non-magical status, Argus found himself entangled in a web of planning and decision-making. The prospect of departing before his parents unraveled the truth emerged as a glimmer of hope. However, a dilemma loomed; the thought of leaving without bidding a heartfelt farewell to James was inconceivable. Their enduring friendship had weathered the departures of others, and Argus couldn't bear the idea of James assuming his best friend had succumbed to a similar fate.

Determined, young Argus meticulously charted his exit strategy. The backdoor, a discreet portal, emerged as the chosen path, carefully selected due to his recent return from a walk. Sneaking out now seemed plausible, a calculated move to avoid suspicion. James' residence beckoned as the first stop, a pivotal juncture before disappearing from the familiar streets of Hogsmeade.

As the uncertainty of his future cast a shadow over him, Argus found himself considering potential destinations. The notion of seeking refuge in an orphanage took root, with a specific muggle establishment named 'Ebon Children's Home' lingering in his thoughts. It held the allure of a fresh start, or at least, that's what he hoped. The journey ahead remained uncertain, shrouded in the enigma of the unknown, a labyrinth of possibilities yet to be explored...


please note that the above chapter is heavily influenced by A.I

Thank you

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