"You just go too much shit going on in your life.

"About that. I wanna stop selling all together. I got a daughter now and I should've been stopped as soon as I got into her life, but I just don't wanna risk not being there for her or Ari."

"That's wassup. I fuck with that. So that's one less thing to worry about."

"I'm out the mix as it is. I think I can handle getting married." Kay shrugged. "I just want her with my last name." He said enjoying the thought of it.


After a long day at the beach and scuba diving, the couple was tired. Ariana walked around the beach house looking for her partner.

Smelling the aroma of weed, she followed the smell outside to the hammock to find him laying down, halfway through with his blunt. She crawled onto him as he laid on his back.

"Hi baby. i was looking for you." She said laying on top of him. His hands immediately went over her hips, playing with the string of her bathing suit.

"Wassup." He said tilting his head to side as smoke came out of his nose and mouth, to avoid it getting in her face.

"Nothing. I just wanted to be with you." She admitted, laying on him. It was pitch dark out and the weather was perfect. Warm, but with a cool breeze coming every now and then.

"You enjoying everything?" He said, dragging her along a bunch of activities for today.

"Of course I am. Are you?"

"Yeah. I wish we could've brought Kimora. I know she mad at us right now."

"She'll get over it." She laughed lowly. She paused for a moment, looking at him as she sat in between his legs.  "Thank you Kevin. Nobody ever did anything this sweet for me before. It means a lot. I stopped caring about my birthday for years now." She said sincerely.

"Why?" He wondered curiously, tossing his now dead blunt to the side.

"Well it really started when I had Kimora. I hate that I thought this way but I used to think that because I was a mom, I couldn't enjoy myself anymore. I stopped doing things that I liked, I don't know why. I kind of punished myself for having a kid young and didn't realize Kimora is the light of my life."

"I don't know why you be hard on yourself, it's not like you created the baby on your own. Most niggas have kids knowing they not ready like how you did but fuck up. You did good with Kimora, her head on right and that's mainly all because of you."

"I try. It wasn't easy at all."

"I know which is why I'm going to make sure as long as I'm here on this Earth that you good and enjoy every single birthday."

She buried her head in the crook of his neck, blushing as they embraced each other's touch. "Thank you baby." She barely makes out.

"It's all good. I'll do anything for you. You know this already." He said rubbing his hands around her butt.  "You changing me."

"I am? How?" She laughed.

"I can never say no to you and Kimora bro. It's like y'all made me soft or something. I don't even do this shit with my sister and you know how i feel about her."

"I think Kimora got used to you spoiling her so fast, if you say no to her it may break her heart." She said , making him laugh. Ariana rubbed his chest, hearing his heart beat as she laid on him.

"I have a question." Kay asked nervously.


"How you feel about marriage?" He said, catching her off guard a bit. She looked up at him seeing the look on his face. The two were laying stomach to stomach, Kay with his arms around her as they stared into each other's eyes.

"I wanna get married eventually. I thought I'd be married by now but the universe had other plans for me. How about you?"

"I never wanted to get married. I thought that shit was played out. Now I do. I wanna make shit official with you."


"I know this nothing special but you wanna marry me? I'll get you a ring when we get back. I wanna get married as soon as possible."

"Really? What's the rush?"

"I just wanna make it official between me and you. We been dating since we were kids. No need to date again for years."

"I don't think we're ready for all of that Kay. We just got back together."


"And we should take it slow. I'm all for cutting to the chase and getting married but not right now. Everything is still...fresh."

"But I know you the girl I wanna marry. So why wait? Think about it. We been fucking with each other since we were teens. You about to be 23."

"Mhm. You're right." She said looking away from him. He lifted her chin with his index finger, bringing her gaze to his.

"Ask yourself, If you really see yourself dealing with someone if it's not me. We may not be ready but we can figure it out along the way."

She would be lying if she said she saw herself with someone other then Kevin and that was just the truth. She didn't have it in her to start fresh with anyone else, especially since she found herself falling back in love with Kevin.

"You have a point...are you serious?"

"I'm deadass."

"You never struck me as the kind to get married." She smirked making him suck his teeth. "Well then..I'll marry you."

My Lady | Kay FlockWhere stories live. Discover now