Chapter 4: Sword, Snake, Thief, Arrow

Start from the beginning

Vermillion regarded Jax with a quirked eyebrow, amusement dancing in his eyes. "And ya fancy yourself that leader? The "savior" of Vacuo?" he prodded, his smirk widening.

Jax's chin lifted defiantly. "Damn right," he shot back without hesitation. "Isn't that why you threw your weight behind The Crown? Because you saw in me what Vacuo needs?"

A smile played at the corners of Vermillion's lips, though it held more cunning than agreement. "You catch on quick, kid," he conceded, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "You're exactly the kind of leader Vacuo's been yearning for," he assured Jax, the truth of his intentions hidden behind a mask of false encouragement.




"Ever stop and think about all the shit we have to put up with?" Carmine grumbled, slamming back another shot.

Perched on stools at a local watering hole, Jaune and Carmine found respite from the rigors of their latest mission, a routine Grimm extermination commissioned by Gillian to safeguard a Crown-protected town.

Jaune arched an eyebrow, a wry grin tugging at the corners of his lips. "By "shit" you mean the endless stream of missions Gillian keeps throwing our way while Jax and Bertilak cozy up to their mysterious benefactor?" he teased.

Carmine's response was a vehement nod, her frustration palpable. "Exactly!" she exclaimed, her voice edged with exasperation. "Why is it always us getting the short end of the stick? Why does that guy get to tag along with Jax while Queenie saddles us with these mundane tasks?"

Jaune chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. "I wouldn't go as far as calling them mundane," he replied, amusement dancing in his eyes. He decided to steer the conversation toward a more intriguing topic. "Speaking of that benefactor, ever crossed paths with them?"

Carmine shook her head, her expression thoughtful as the bartender refilled her glass. "Nope, but it's always struck me as odd," she admitted, swirling the contents of her drink. "Some creepy figure bankrolling us, fully aware of what we do, It's... unsettling, to say the least,"

With a weary sigh, Jaune raised his glass to his lips, savoring the warmth of the alcohol as it spread through him. A sudden buzz from his pocket interrupted the moment, prompting him to retrieve his scroll and check the notification, revealing a new message from Gillian.

Carmine tossed back another shot, her gaze locking onto Jaune with a raised brow. "Gill?" she inquired, her voice cutting through the ambient noise of the bar.

Jaune nodded, a flicker of annoyance crossing his features. "Yep, wants our asses back as soon as possible," he confirmed, his tone resigned.

With a swift motion, Jaune stashed his Scroll away and swiftly drained his glass, mirroring Carmine's actions as she knocked back another shot. Rising from their seats in unison, they prepared to depart.

"Who's footing the bill this time, me or you?" Jaune quipped, fishing through his wallet with a playful grin.

Carmine flashed him a mischievous smile. "It's my turn," she declared, producing a handful of lien and laying them on the bar's counter.

Exiting the establishment, the duo stepped back into the bustling streets of the town. However, their departure was abruptly halted as a commotion caught their attention.

In front of them, a young girl was unceremoniously thrown from a passing cart, landing in a heap on the sandy ground. Clad in nothing more than a tattered, gray garment that scarcely passed for clothing, she appeared to be no older than ten. Her pink eyes, olive hair, and dark complexion stood out starkly against the backdrop of the dusty street, but it was the sight of her busted lip that caused Jaune and Carmine to freeze in their tracks, concern etched into their expressions.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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