chapter one

31 1 16

Jisungs POV

I'm getting ready to go out with some friends when I get a call from minho saying that he'll pick me up in 30 minutes

I'm getting ready to go out with some friends when I get a call from minho saying that he'll pick me up in 30 minutes

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This is what I decided to wear

I hear him pull up with his car I hurry up and go out to meet him then I hop in the car

Minho's pov

I see jisung hop in the car beside me and my heart starts racing I can't keep hiding this from him

I have to tell him some time right?

I tell him we have to go get hyunjin and Felix then we leave to go get them

We pick them up then head to the theme park on the drive Felix asked if we could pick up Changbin his friend and we said yes the more the merry
So we go pick up Changbin

Then we finally arrive at theme park we head over to the place where you get your theme park bracelets then we go off on our own Felix, hyunjin and Changbin ran off leaving me ALONE with jisung

He asked if I wanted too go on the Ferris wheel and I couldn't say no he's too cute

We reached the top and I almost had a panic attack
(I am very very afraid of heights)
Thank fully jisung was there he comforted me he's the best I love him so much

When we got off the ride he asked me why I agreed to go on the ride if I was so scared of heights and I didn't know what to say I just said I didn't know it was that high

He offered for us to go get some food and I said yes I would love too

We went and got some food and met up with Felix, Hyunjin, and Changbin
And they all wanted too go home we did too so I drove all of them home then it was just me and jisung in the car

He asked if he could come over too my place I of course said yes because why would I not

We arrived at my house and we got out we went over to my couch and sat down jisung sat right next to me like really close too me and my heart started racing again

I have to tell him

I said "jisung could I talk too you about smth"

He said ofc what is it?

I said " do I say this.....
I like you"


Sry that my writing is not the best but tell me if you like this

I'll probably be able too update this frequently

I also want to ask a question each update (you don't have too answer)

What is your ult skz ship
Mine is minsung

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