BB8 What the Hell?!

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------ Tatooine--------

Amara followed behind Rey's form as they made their way through Luke's family water farm.

The abandoned place was covered with dunes of sand and has clearly seen better days.

But this is where they were going to say their final goodbye.

Hand covering her sister's they allowed the clothed lightsabers to drift deeper and deeper in the sand, grateful and gracious that the twin Skywalkers had taken them in, taught them and loved them.

Amara watched in fascination as her sister's lightsaber lit up yellow and grasped the kyber crystal hanging by her throat.

Hoping, that when she made hers, it would bleed the same color.

She only tuned back in when she heard her sister answer the old lady's question.

Amara Skywalker couldn't help but smile at the disappearing forms of their masters.

Reaching her own ship, she called out to Rey.

"Last one back to base is a Hutt!!!"

"Your on!"

Giggling Amara and Rey blasted off the planet and fought to get home first.


Amara jolted, looking around her cockpit.

"BB8 did you sneak on to my ship?"




Amara sighed.

"You know Poe is going to think I stole you or you like me better."


"Such a butt kisser. Fine. I won't tell if you don't."

Amara focused back to flying and cursed when she noticed she didn't have time to dodge a storm.

"Shit! HEY REY! I'M GONNA BE CUT OFF-STOR-M WIL-TR-" Amara's voice cut out of the com.


Amara couldn't hear her.

Amara could feel her.

She held on to her controls for dear life as lightning flashed and her turbulance took hit after hit until finally the stress was too much and she passed out.

Her ship hitting a worm hole on the way out.


Paul had that dream again.

A girl with a glowing sword in the dunes of arrakis.

A kind smile.

He admired the figure of strength his dream girl showed.


He sighed besides his father at the shore of their home.

"Haven't been getting much sleep?" His father, Duke Leto inquired. Brows drawn in concern.

"I find my dreams are too real." Paul replied, sleep deprivation shown under his eyes. Bags of exhaustion for all to see.

Leto patted his son in reassurance.

"I'll have doctor Yueh gives you something to help...."

They turned, starting to head up the hill back towards their house until they heard a explosion and ducked under a big rock.

Peeking out to see a ship hit the water.

Leto quickly jumped into action and dove into the water.

Paul wasn't far behind and helped his father pull the pilot out of their seat before the ship started to sink


Paul froze.

A orange and white ball poked it's head out of a bag.

Noticing his father already get the person out, he lunged for the bag and quickly splashed his way to shore.

Leto already laying the person down and leaning his head on their chest to see if they were alive.

"Their breathing!" He reasured his son as he started to remove the pilots helmet.

It was a girl.

She blinked sluggish.

"Poe?" The girl stared at his father's face before her eyes rolled in the back of her head.

Paul was frozen.

The girl was REAL.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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