Chapter 2

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Sam and Colby Pov

SAM: Welcome back guys to another video.

COLBY: Today we will be going to see an abandoned factory that used to make jewelry.

SAM: We used to come here when we were younger to hang out with our friends way before we even knew each other.

COLBY: With that being said lets get this video started.

SAM: As we walked through the forest to get to the building we explained to our viewers about the factory itself. But for some reason i kept getting this feeling like something big was gonna happen and im not sure how to feel about that. We were almost there when we heard some rustling in the tall ass grass that was to the right of us and the whole area got completely silent. We waited to see if there would be some more movements but nothing happened so we continued forward. As we entered the building i suddenly got this chill run down my spine like if something cold went through my body. I looked around to see if my EmF deteacted anything when out of no where in the direction of the door the EmF spiked to red. Colby stopped talking and his eyes grew wide from what we just picked up on out device i was happy though knowing we got something.

Colby: As Sam and I continued to look through the building we heard a few creaks and thuds but nothing more than that. It started to get quiet as we went in further into the building we passed by several rooms that looked trashed. But there was this one hallway that was so dark we had to use both our flashlights to look inside it. As soon as we walked into the hallway we heard a cry like if someone said help we both froze and looked at each other. Then Sam got the courage to speak up he asked if there were any spirits or anything with us to make another noise. I gulped thinking how crazy he must be to do this but i stayed quiet trying to hear something happen. It took 5 minutes when we heard a chain like object hit a wall and we both booked it out of there. We were scared shitless but once we got to our car we took a moment to breath and said our goodbyes to our viewers. After we put the camera down we swore we would come back again tomorrow with no cameras and make a seance and speak to whatever was in there with us. Even though we were scared but this was what our lives turned out to be so why not see when we have nothing to do tomorrow.

Sam: We headed home and thought about what kind of ritual we would be performing so i did some research. I got some information about a pentagon and white candles and a ouija board so i printed out the information. I went to Colbys room to give him what i found out but had to turn around when i saw him masturbating on his bed. I left the papers on the coffee table and ran out the apartment to go see Jake and Corey to maybe give him some privacy. I know i have known Colby for a while now but im actually in love with him i just cant tell him because i dont wanna mess up our relationship. Jake knows and so does Tara but they are the only ones that know i cant keep running or so they tell me but its so hard to let him know. Not to mention i also like girls so im bisexual just like Colby is but im more reserved than he is not that im saying he is easy. Its more like he hasn't dated anyone after that one incident that happened with a girl he was dating. So i understand why he doesn't do relationships but i wouldn't mind being his last one for the rest of our lives i just dont want him to know so friendship is all ill ever get from him.  I made it to Jake and Coreys apartment and we hung out for a while when i got a call from Colby saying sorry and what not i laughed about it and told him it was okay. He said he was on his way to pick me up to go to the abandoned building to the ritual i found. I said bye to the boys and off we went to the abandoned building we found in the middle of the forest.

Colby: I couldn't finish what i was doing earlier since Sam caught me i was so embarrassed he caught me masturbating. I looked over the papers he left and went to go buy the materials we were gonna need for the ritual he wanted to do. It took a while though cause a lot of places didn't have the ouija board in stock but i finally found it. As i was heading to the car i called Sam to let him know i was on my way to pick him up and i said sorry for what he saw. After all that we were right in front of the entrance of the building i gulped and took in a big breath of air and looked at Sam. We walked in trying to find the hallway we were in when we heard the voice and chain it took a while but we managed to find it. We walked in and the place was kind of creepy as when we first found it it was so dark and gloomy. We set up everything for the ritual and looked around a bit more waiting for 3:00am to get here to start the ritual. While we waited i found a room in the same hallway and saw a doll with one eye missing so i backed up and walked towards the ending of the hallway. As i approached the ending of the hallway i saw some chains that were attached to the wall i got curious and went to inspect them. It looked like if they were holding someone or something in place but i didn't see anything or anyone so i thought maybe we could use them. As i began to unlock the chains i heard a thud like if something fell between my legs as i looked down for a split second i saw a girl looking at me. I freaked out but didn't run i just grabbed the chains and took them to Sam and asked if we could use them to summon whatever the fuck i just saw. He nodded his head and said good thinking then his alarm clock went off on his phone making me jump up from the sudden noise. Sam just laughed at me and soon we were starting our ritual to see what was going on here.

Sam: We circled the board three times then asked if there were any spirits around us then the planchette moved to yes after a minute of waiting for an answer. I gulped and looked at Colby then he asked what was their name and it slowly spelled Jenny. But the planchette didn't stop there Jenny started spelling help me over and over again we freaked out a bit and let go of the planchette.

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