Chapter Fourteen B1

Start from the beginning

Elizabeth feels surprised and becomes speechless.

Ralph: This is my gift for you. (Hands Elizabeth the velvet box)

Elizabeth opens the box and sees a diamond studs earrings. "Oh my ghadd Ralph, this is...this is too much."

"I have a question for you before this night ends. Elizabeth Margarett Astor, will you be my girlfriend?"Ralph moves closer to Elizabeth staring into her eyes deeply.

"Ralph umm.. yes....yes of course I want to be your girlfriend." Elizabeth's response.

Ralph: I promise to be the best boyfriend you could ever imagine.

Elizabeth: And I promise to be the best girlfriend for you.

Ralph holds Elizabeth's face and kisses her so deeply.

Elizabeth slips her arms around Ralph's neck.

Ralph deepens the kiss and holds Elizabeth body tightly.
The whole gang decided to meet up and have dinner together. They are sitting at a large table together. Ralph and his girlfriend, Aurora-Thomas, are sitting next to each other, holding hands. Across from them are Abraham and his girlfriend, Jacqueline. Next to them are Kristopher and his girlfriend, Victoria. Charles is sitting with Laura, and Susie is sitting with her new boyfriend, Geoffrey.

Thomas: Can you believe it? Only two more days until Christmas break!

Ralph smiles. "I know, I can't wait to finally have a break from all the studying and exams."

Abraham pretends yawning. " I could definitely use some time off. These late night study sessions are killing me."

Jacqueline gently rubbing Abraham's back. "Don't worry, only a few more days and we'll all be back home with our families."

Susie:I'm just looking forward to not having to worry about assignments and deadlines for a whole month.

Victoria: And we can finally sleep in past 8 am for once.

Charles: Or maybe past noon.

Laura: Oh, the life of a college student.

Susie: We're almost done with college.

Elizabeth: Good for you guys.

Charles looks at Susie. "Aren't you going to introduce us to your friend?"

Susie smiles and clears her throat. "Everyone, I'd like to introduce to you all my boyfriend, Geoffrey."

Jacqueline: Congratulations!

Thomas: Welcome to the group, Geoffrey!

Ralph teases Susie.

Susie starts naming out her friends one by one.

Aurora: You guys look great together!

Geoffrey: It's nice to meet you all.

Ralph smirks.  "Nice to meet you too, Geoffrey. So Susie, how did you guys meet?

Susie starts to blush. "Well, we actually met at a party. She's Agatha's cousin."

Thomas: Agatha was the match maker.

Charles frowns and scoffs.

Thomas smiles. "Well, you guys make a cute couple."

Kristopher: Yeah, congratulations Susie.

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