Head Hunters

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Steven slept in late the next morning. The events of the previous night still played in his head. He felt well rested, but uneasy about his nightmare. What was that entity that seemed to invade his dream? He walked into the kitchen and poured himself a bowl of cereal before joining the twins in the living room.

"What are you guys watching?" He asked before sitting in the arm chair.

"Duck-tective," Mabel said, not looking away from the tv. She was knitting a new sweater.

"Hm, I've never heard of it," Steven said.

Dipper glanced back at Steven, "It's kinda dumb, yet oddly charming."

"Ooh, I getcha, I used to watch the show called Crying Breakfast Friends. It was oddly charming as well,"

Steven looked down at Mabel knitting, "Making a new sweater I see."

Mabel nodded, "It's a surprise for a certain someone."

Steven smiled before looking at the tv. He had a feeling the sweater was for him.

The duck was quacking on the tv while the captions read, "Or was it... MURDER?!"

Mable dropped her knitting needles, "That duck is a genius."

"Eh," Dipper said, "It's easier to find clues when you're so close to the ground."

Steven chortled. Dipper was right.

"Are you saying you could outwit Duck-tective?" Mabel said, squinting at Steven.

Dipper smiled smugly, "Mabel, I have very keen powers of observation."

"Yeah, that's totally why you discovered Steven's secret before me. Oh wait! You didn't. Ha!" Mabel said, punching Dipper in the arm.

Steven gave a nervous laugh. At this point the entire Pines family new his secret, and it didn't bother him as much as he thought it would. It was almost like a weight had been lifted off his chest. He didn't have to hide from the people he was living in close proximity with, and that was okay.

"Hey dudes!" Soos came into the room, pulling Steven from his thoughts.

"You'll never guess what I found!"

"Buried treasure!" Dipper yelled.

"Buried- Hey, I was gonna say that," Mabel followed up.

"No, even cooler," Soos waved his hand, gesturing for them to follow him.

They walked down the hallway, the twins at Soos's heels.

"So I was cleaning up when I found this secret door hidden behind the wall paper," Soos turned to face them. "It's crazy bonkers creepy."

The door squeaked as Soos opened it, revealing the contents of the room. Inside stood a plethora of wax figures. Dipper was the first to step into the room.

"Woah! It's a secret wax museum," Dipper pulled out a flashlight from his vest and shined it around the room.

"They're so life-like," Mabel said, poking at one.

"Except for that one," Dipper said, his flashlight pointing at one of the figures.

Suddenly, that figure spoke, "Hello!"

They all screamed.

Dipper pointed the flashlight at the figure's face. It's turned out to just be Stan. He chuckled.

"It's just me, your Grunkle Stan!"

"Oh geez, you scared us!" Steven said, clutching his chest dramatically.

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