I was getting cold, so my hands were folded to my chest and I began to grow very tired. I guess Rowan could tell, because I felt him lay his flannel over me as if it was a blanket. I was so close to falling asleep, but then my hair fell right in my face, which I really hate when that happens. But then Rowan gently moved my hair behind my ear to keep it from falling again.

I was so thankful for his affection in that moment.

* + + *

After what felt like me only blinking, I was being gently shaken awake by Rowan telling me we were here. I raised my head and looked around. Matt was putting the car in park, and Este was digging in her bag for something.

"Sleep good, Eileen?" Rowan asked once I gained consciousness.

I nodded my head with a small, "Mhm." I handed his flannel back to him. 

"Sunscreen!" Este called, holding out a bottle.

"Seriously?" Matt sighed.

"If you get sunburned, I will smack it with a cold metal spoon." She prompted.

Matt took the bottle from her and put some on with a look of annoyance. We passed the bottle around the car so all of us could put a little on for now. It was very hot around here. I could feel it already from inside the car.

I could already hear some music, sounding muffled from inside the car.

"I thought we were early?" I wondered.

"Only thirty minutes, less than I was hoping. They're probably just sound checking right now." Matt explained to me.

The four of us got out of the car, putting our backpacks on our backs to carry. I looked around. The car was parked in some gravel right in front of the beach where everything was set up.

A good handful of people were already here. A stage was set up, food trucks, activity booths, and so many decorations.

I was glad for the sunscreen since I already felt the hot sun blazing against my skin, and it was still early yet.

There was an area in front for us to check in with some security standing around. Rowan handed us each our tickets.

We walked up to the man running the admission and showed him each our tickets. He stamped the back of our hands with a sun logo. After, he handed us each a lanyard with a pass clipped to it that said, 'Aurora Music Festival,' and under it was '2 day pass.'

"Have fun!" The man finished, allowing us through.

We walked fully into the area, and I took it all in. It was really beautiful. I noticed all the decorations were yellow and pink with sun logos around, with a lot of stringed fairly lights from roof to roof, and all around the stage. 

Two employees came up to us, greet us, then put a flower crown on mine and Este's head. The other man put flower lei's around Rowan and Matt's necks. Matt didn't seem that excited over it, but Rowan was very content. 

"You look so pretty with a flower crown." Rowan said to me while flustered. 

I could feel my self blushing. "And you look spiffy with a lei." I grinned, fixing his shirt. 

It all Comes in Waves: The Solitary Joy of the OceanWhere stories live. Discover now