Familial Conversations

Start from the beginning

Seeing that Tiny looked close to throwing a really bad fit, Branch let out a slow exhale through his nose and offered Tiuny a hand out to him, saying, "Come on up."

Tiny grinned and accepted the hand up, hopping into Branch's hair, saying, "Thanks, Daddy's friend Branch"!

With Tiny safe in tow, both Branch and Poppy continued their climbing escapade up until they were close to the roof, which allowed Branch to tell Poppy about the next obstacle that they had to tackle if they were gonna sneak in safely to find Floyd, "The quickest way in will be at the roof; and once up there, we gotta find the Rage Dome's ventilation system that we can slip in undetected."

Poppy's eyes caught on something in the distance that matched exactly what Branch had described: there was a large gold metallic structure with a shimmering glittered vent that looked big enough to transfer a lot of air in and out, and it was especially big enough for the pair to sneak into. Eyeing it, she quickly pointed out, "The HVAC system"!

Hearing the way that Poppy called it, Branch felt a little swooned, commenting cheerfully, "Ooh, I love how you say HVAC."

"Thank you," Poppy replied, blushing a bit that Branch thought her comment was endearing.

As the Trolls made their way into the HVAC, they soon eyed that they had another, more dangerous obstacle to tackle: the fan blades that spun to keep the flow of air movement moving constantly and transferring excess heat out. The speed at which the fan blades spun looked fast enough to slice someone's head off in but only a millisecond if one weren't careful enough. With this in mind, Branch pointed out, " But we'll have to bypass the fan blade so that our "cupcakes" don't get sliced in two."

Hearing the word "cupcakes" made Tiny think that Poppy or Branch had brought cupcakes, asking eagerly, "Ooh! We brought cupcakes"?

Poppy and Branch, a little alarmed by Tiny's innocent yet very broad question, didn't know exactly how to tell him about what they were really referring to, Poppy giving a shy and awkward, "No," while looking away, not wanting to go into very explicit details for the little Glitter Troll.

Branch, sharing the same mindset, had a little more blunt approach with his response, clarifying, "Not what I meant; it doesn't matter," before he made the courageous dive toward the fan blade, going headfirst towards what many would call "Certain doom."

As Branch eyed the way the fan blades spun, he took out a piece of cotton candy that he had in his pockets and threw it at the edge of the fan blades, watching it begin to get caught along the blades as they continued to spin.

Branch eyed carefully the way that the cotton candy began to take hold, and while it looked like it did absolutely nothing at first, it didn't deter Branch or make him flinch fearfully; his eyes narrowed in determination, and his heart beating almost as fast as a snare drum, he still kept going and going, all while Poppy and Tiny watched in intrigue and concern that there was that possibility that Branch could get hurt.

Luckily, that concern went away when Branch saw the cotton candy spread along the rest of the fan blades, and it soon took a strong, sticky hold, making the fan blades stop spinning, and provide an escape hole easily for him to slip through, with Poppy, who cheered as she dove down, and Tiny, following right behind him.

This led to the Trolls sliding down a tube chute that took them into a new area of the HVAC system, one where there were a lot of different wires that controlled the power of the entire building.

"Alright, looks like we made it into the air duct's power system; once we find the main battery connectors, we need to cut the power, so we can move freely through the interior air ducts."

Trolls: Band Together (AU Version)Where stories live. Discover now